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Posts posted by kristinp29

  1. Just wanted to chime in again and say that I know first-hand that weight gain can be directly caused by dysautonomia. Last spring, I gained 16 pounds in 3 weeks and I wasn't on any medications, didn't eat any differently, and had the same amount of activity as I had been before the weight gain.

    The only thing that helped me get the weight off--because I wasn't well enough to exercise more--was the South Beach Diet. But, that didn't last long before I got sick of the restrictions. It worked as far as helping me get the weight off. I don't know if I would have been able to keep it off if I hadn't started going to college around that time. After being homebound, going to classes introduced a major amount of activity into my routine and kept me going. So...just a thought. <_<


  2. Hi Amy,

    I love my new job. I'm an office clerk for a process serving company. They serve legal documents to individuals who are being sued, getting divorced, evicted, etc. I work approximately 4 hours/day, filing, mailing, copying, data entry, and other general office duties. I didn't think I'd enjoy general office work as much as I am--but maybe it's also exciting because it's the first time since I got POTS that I am able to work. All of my peers have been working for at least 2 years, and I've had a rough time not being healthy enough to be more financially independent. So, this job is so much more to me than a first job!

    How have you been doing lately?


  3. Hi Shelby,

    First of all, you are not crazy!! ;)

    Secondly, I think that Persephone is right in that not recognizing yourself in the mirror may be part of the general confusion caused by dysautonomia. It can be very scary, but have peace in knowing that you're not alone. :unsure:

    Email me anytime if you want to talk. :)



  4. Katherine has a great point--stay well-hydrated. Drinking a lot of fluids--especially water (probably because there's no sugar in it)--continues to make all the difference for me. Sometimes I'll forget to take a drink and I'll begin to feel a little tired/sluggish.

    My body couldn't handle the beta blocker. Besides not doing anything for my heart rate or blood pressure, I gained about 10 pounds while I was on it, mainly water weight. Well, I've had problems with every medication I've taken. :unsure:

    I'm glad that you decided to post! Don't be shy! ;) Welcome to the forum. :)


  5. Hi Angela,

    You mentioned Melatonin...that was a lifesaver for me. I went through a period in which I could not fall asleep or stay asleep. I tried Melatonin and it made all the difference. I took it about an hour before I wanted to go to sleep and it worked really well. You can buy it in health food stores as well (probably in lower doses than prescription, but it works, too!) and I've seen it in capsule form and in a type that dissolves under your tongue and tastes like a mint.


  6. Hi everyone,

    How have you all been doing? I haven't logged on to the forum in a few months and I've been trying to catch up with reading posts tonight. ;)

    I have to share this with you all because I am so thrilled, and so thankful to be at this point now:

    I just completed my second semester of college. My parents are in the middle of a cross-state move, and I'll be moving in with some family who live only 30 minutes from where we currently live--so that's a ton of stress, which I haven't handled well since getting POTS. And, I just got my first job! I started this week and absolutely love it. I'm on my feet a lot, which typically has been difficult, but I've been handling it extremely well. It'll be about 20 hours/week.

    My body has been handling this all so well. For those of you who've forgotten me (yes, it's been a while!! :unsure: )...I was homebound for over 2.5 years with POTS. Just this fall, I was well enough to begin commuting to college part-time. At one time, I used to have episodes of paralysis, numbness, tremors, and so much more...

    Just had to share because I'm so thrilled to be where I am today. It's been a long journey. You'll get there, too! If you ever want to talk, drop me an email. :) Looking forward to hearing what you've been doing and how you've been feeling...



  7. Yes, I can't handle any medications whatsoever. Well, I guess that's not true--I do take over-the-counter allergy/sinus stuff to get through my tough allergy days in the spring!! To be more specific, I can't tolerate prescription drugs!

    I found that the only things that have helped me are nutritional supplements.


  8. Hi Gittel,

    Welcome to the forum! I think that you'll find lots of help here--and I know that you'll find lots of friendly people. :unsure:

    I was in my freshman year of high school when I got POTS in September 2001. I was homeschooled in my sophomore and junior years; I was homebound because I was so ill. It took until August 2003 before I was diagnosed. Now, I'm doing so well and am getting my life back. I just completed my second semester of college and started my first job this week. I'll be working 20 hours/week and will be going away to college in the fall.

    Although medications work for some people, I found that my body couldn't tolerate them. I take nutritional supplements; my mom is a nutritionist, so it has been wonderful having her expertise on hand. My symptoms have ranged from a high heart rate and low blood pressure to tremors and numbness, to episodes of paralysis.

    Email me if you want to talk!


  9. I would get the tachycardia as I was trying to fall asleep, not as much in the morning. It was really difficult to fall asleep, because my heart didn't want to "settle down" to rest.

    I can definitely relate to running to the bathroom! Even now, I pee more than anyone else I know! I feel better when I drink plenty of water, so I stay well-hydrated. That contributes to the problem, but I swear I don't drink as much as I pee!! :unsure:



  10. Hi,

    I'm glad that you said you'll be consulting with your doctor!!! ;)

    Nina is right--we all handle medication differently. I could not handle medication at all--not even in the lowest dose possible. My body would react horribly, and my symptoms would end up being so much worse than they were without meds. I found that nutritional supplements were the only way to go for my body. My mom is a nutritionist, so her expertise has really come in handy! :unsure:



  11. Hi Bren,

    I haven't visited the forum in a few months (hi again everyone!) and I'm a little late on this one, but I had to chime in. :unsure:

    Everyone had some great suggestions. I've been through so many difficult times throughout this journey (I have POTS), and have endured. :) Although I used to get very, very discouraged sometimes, I found that journaling always helped me. Be sure to write on your good days, too, because those good days will give you hope on the days that you can't imagine it ever getting any better. I also would watch a movie. If I wanted to "escape" my world, then I'd watch a comedy and it would make me laugh. If I just felt like being sad for a while, then I'd watch a drama and I'd cry. The crying seemed to help. :)

    Anyway, these are just a couple of suggestions for everyone. A new perspective is a great idea, too, though I found that it's difficult to change your perspective when things get really tough. ;)



  12. That's fabulous, Ernie! I'm so glad that you found a doctor who was willing to do some research!!! ;)

    Have you been experiencing the paralysis lately? I hope you can find some answers for what's causing it for you. The paralysis that I had was classified under POTS. It'll be nice once you have an answer.

    Best wishes,

    Kristin :)

  13. Hi Dawn,

    I'm sorry to hear that you're bummed. ;)

    Good for you for sticking with your supplements. Especially if you're not going back to see that doctor! When I quit taking my supplements before a medical test, my body felt sooo horrible. So, I'm glad that you're not taking that chance. :)

    I wish you the best. And remember, you can always contact my mom about going further into the nutritional avenue if you ever feel you've exhausted your options medically.

    Love always,

    Kristin :)

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