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Posts posted by aprilthames

  1. My dysautonomia symptoms reoccurred 18 months ago with vengeance. I have soiled my clothes and wet myself three times since....that doesn't count my frequent trips to the restroom. At 45, I am researching dysautonomia once again. I am a full time public school teacher that missed 6 days of work in one month. The cooler temperatures of October have been a relief, but I just keep drinking fluids and going to restroom! Since I've read several posts on this forum, I feel I need more sodium. I already have a can or two of condensed soup daily. I guess I need more. I am determined. I wish I could share my determination with the person who is financially hindered with an unsupportive family. My heart breaks for you. I just joined this forum yesterday...someone emailed me a 20 page PDF on NMS and POTS. It is full of great info. It is by peter c Rowe and is dated 2005. It is a must read. god Bless you all! April

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