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Posts posted by JulietEcho

  1. I'm in the 44-45 latitude and get on average about a half-hour per day (the time it takes to walk to and from my vehicle at work). I've only recently started taking Vitamin D (it hasn't even been a month) but have had POTS for about 3 years (or 1 1/2 if you only count since actual diagnosis). They did a blood test to see what could be causing my severe leg cramps (among other symptoms) and found that my levels were in the single digits. It'll be interesting to see if the supplements help and what the poll results end up being.

  2. I just spent almost two weeks hiking in Mount Rainier National Park. For lower altitude (3,000-5,000 feet), easy day hikes, I did okay, but struggled going up hills (to be expected, I guess...). Tried do an overnight hike (with 30 lb pack) that started just above 6,000 feet and couldn't get a mile before I had to call it quits or risk passing out and falling down the side of a cliff. Everyone's reaction will be different, but maybe less activity at higher altitudes will keep symptoms at bay?

    On another note, I'm also in Minnesota (Eagan). Hi, neighbor (for now)! :)

  3. Oh, yes! I'm having one of these days today, actually. I've been finding myself working on something and realizing halfway through, or after I finish, that what I'm doing is right, but it's for the wrong person (I work in data entry, probably not the best choice for a job...). I've also had a hard time concentrating on what people are saying. It's almost as if everyone's talking on fast forward, if that makes sense. So frustrating.

    Edit: I forgot the speaking part. I, too, find myself jumbling up sentences or not being able to think of simple words like phone or cake. And forget trying to say anything more complicated than that. It just comes out as word vomit.

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