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Posts posted by vondalecki

  1. Hi there. I just wanted to say that I also took the beta blocker for my rate 50-200 and I felt it made me too tired(pressure dropped) I'm still being adjusted as far as meds but so far I take half a Xanax .25 twice a day and .50 of Xanax when I feel the shaking starting and so far this has managed me the best. I'm not so concerned with my rate though as my rhthym, I have atrial flutter and PVCs- and the syncope and siezure like convulsions.

    Also, someone mentioned a holter monitor, which is a monitor for 24 hrs. I wanted to mention an event recorder instead. Not the older kind where you use it only if you feel symptoms, but there is another type that a few companies have where you wear the monitor like a holter (24 hrs a day) for anywhere from 3-30 days and you can report a sypmtom if you feel it or the monitor actually auto triggers. The monitor is constantly recording so when your heart is abnormal in anyway it automatically sends a report to the company and your dr. it's really great bcause they can keep track of your rate and the rhythm for as many days as you need.

    I had the event recorder a few years ago and it wasn't enough to diagnose me, but with this newer event recorder I was diagnosed within 24 hrs and my meds ahve been adjusted accordingly. It's perfect for med adjustments cause they can actually watch your heart's response to them.

    good luck


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