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Posts posted by beth27

  1. HI erika,

    I have ncs and am on 25 mg of zoloft... my gyn says i can keep taking it if preg and i was wondering what other people have done too.. what mg are u on? and what did the gyn say about it? Especially i was worried about 3rd trimester because the bottle says dont take it then... but the gyn didnt seem concerned.. what did urs say about 3rd tri?

  2. I found out a supplement called Vitex... its a great supplement for regulation of periods andhormones... i got off birthC and has horrrrrrible pms, etc... this has regulated everything.. it works slowly, so take it continually and after a month start noticing improvement. I get it from www.i-herb.com and type in referral code BET772 to get $5 off....the vitex is only $3 something..... real cheap!

  3. Hi, I also have experiences this chest heaviness and shortness of breath especially when its hot. I've been dealing with this for years.

    The meds werent helping but I was getting worse and worse to the point I was bent over double trying to cook from not being able to breathe while standing. I think it has something to do with lack of oxygen in the blood while standing.

    Upon the recommendation of a freind I have found a natural supplement that has helped tremendously!! I take it twice a day everyday and it instantly helps me breathe better and chest pain is relieved. I am now able to function alot better than before. If anyone wants to know what this supplement is , just ask me.... I'd be happy to share in hopes it helps others.



  4. Lately since the weather has changed and now wherever I go, stores, church, cars... people have the heaters on full blast.. I just can't handle the heat. I'm fanning and wearing short sleeves. I can't even sit at church ..I'm so hot , it makes me feel like I can't breathe... and then get lightheaded. I have to go sit in the back. And at stores like walmart... i cant take it long.. its so hot.. does anyone else have heat intolerance??

  5. What is the HIDA scan like? Is it scary? And what usually happened to you gallbladders, were they inflamed? Couldnt empty properly? Full of bile and sludge? Or all of these? Ur replys really help... do you think I should take Zantac 2 weeks.. I took one last night while it was hurting and it didn't do anything...

  6. Thanks for the replys! I got the sonogram results back... no gallstones. They want me to take Zantac for 2 weeks to see if it helps. I know its not an acid problem. I think now my doc doesnt think its gallbladder, but I know it is..and that HIDA scan will probably show that its not functioning right... how do i convince my doc to want to give me that test... he might be thinking its a acid reflux or somthing which I know its not. And since I dont have gallstones... if i just avoid greasy foods... can the gallbladder start functioning better..or is this the start of continual probs??? Thanks!

  7. Im 27 and have NCS. No family history of gallbladder probs... but recently started having gallbladder attacks. Im thinking there could be a connection between that and dysautonomia. Is there alot of people here that have had gallbladder probs? And in there 20's like me? Did you end up having to take it out? Any info helps..thanks

  8. I was diag with NCS in 2000 at age 20. I am now 27 and it seems over the years I've been getting progressively worse like extreme fatigue, daily chest pain/shortness of breath (not heart related), chronic bladder problems and constipation, etc. I was researching and saw that with NCS, it is more episodic with good periods in between, but pure autonomic failure sounded just like me, with all of these accompanying autonomic symptoms... does anyone know if this sounds like paf? Can you be 27 and have PAF or do you have to be middle age? Any help is appreciated.. thanks

  9. I have NCS and also have had those same symptoms for over a year... been to ER couple times for it.. they did cat scan .. every heart test imaginable... not heart related. Finally figured it was part of my dysautonomia.. dont understand why it does it though. My Proamatine wasnt helping.. I was getting worse.. couldnt breathe while eating and riding in the car or to fold laundry it was tough. So tried some vitamins.. finally found somthing that has helped to alleviate these symptoms as long as i take it twice a day.. its glyconutrients (necessary plant sugars our body needs )to promote cell to cell communication. I dont know how but it instantly helps me breathe when i take it.. I still don't have a whole lot of energy yet.. but thankful to be able to breathe and not have daily chest pain. Hope you can find for sure that it's not heart related.

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