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Posts posted by nicole

  1. EM,

    I had a positive EBV when I was 23 and all these symptoms started after a bout of mono. I was then misdiagnosed with SVTs and treated with a beta blocker for 3 years then I seemed to get better. Now 15 years later its back and my new doctor dx me with POTS and I am getting better with meds. Over the years all the doctors tested my thryoid but always was normal. Think I should do another EBV panel? What is your doctor looking at? I know my problems started with the mono. Thanks Nicole (you can email me direct)

  2. Happy Christmas Eve, I want to know if any of you experience the feeling of the floor moving while standing. I have not ever passed out but these past 2 days I have been feeling pretty off. Some of my symptoms are; tingling in lips and nose, dizzy, tight chest, weak and a little anxious. My blood pressure is looking okay at 112/73 with help of proamatine. I am on Celexa so I am not going into full fledge panic mode but I did take a quarter of Klonipin to help. Any suggestions on how to get rid of these I have a very busy Holiday 26 people coming. Thanks Nicole

  3. Thanks for your support. The side affects do seem to be getting better, I went Christmas shopping all day and didn't have any problems at all. I am sitting here feeling like my old self. Hope I stay this way. Have a great Holiday. Nicole

  4. Hi Stacey, I do get dizzy driving. I always have salt and gatoraide with me. I know some of my symptoms are because of pots but I also know that I have made them worse with my fears. I am afraid of passing out even though I never have. When I start feeling really bad I will pull off somewhere and put my feet up. My doctors told me to try to live as normal as I can and with the proamatine and celexa I am on my way. Stay positive and have a great holiday.

  5. I start getting nervous just knowing that I have to drive somewhere. It has totally limited my life, I used to drive an hour to work and I had to quit, now when I look for a job I try to look within a 15 minute radius. I can feel what you are feeling. As I posted earlier I started Celexa to try to get me thru it. Dont let it over take your life. Mine started with driving and has moved into other aspects of my life. When I drive now (which is all the time, I have an 11 year old) I listen to books on tape from the library, they make me forget my fears. Good luck to you and you are not alone.

  6. Hi, I started Celexa 2 weeks ago, 10 mg split into 4. Just wanted to know if any of you that are on it have had the side affect of feeling a little drunk, confused and minor anxiety. My mind seems to wonder and think of negative things on this med. It is scary taking something that could change your personality. Thanks for any help/imput.

  7. Thank you for your imput, I went to the doctor yesterday, my internist and my cardiologist decided Celexa would be the best choice for me. I am gonna start this weekend (when my family is around) I am a nervous nilly when it comes to trying new meds. I am sooo looking forward to not being full of anxiety. ;)

  8. Good morning,

    I am going to see a new internist on Tuesday and I want to go back on some kind of anti-depressant. I am always nervous about starting new meds. I am on Proamatine 2.5 three times a day. Seems to be working okay but I need something for energy and anxiety. ANY SUGGESTIONS on a SSRI would be greatly appreciated. I tried Celexa (only for 3 days) gave me tachycardia but that was before I knew I had Pots. So the fast heart rate could be from the POTS not the Celexa. I used Paxil for 3 years with minor side affects, weight gain, sexual and just plain unemotional to all things. Have any of you tried Effexor, I read up on it and it has the added benefit of raising blood pressure. I am still learning about POTS, I was dx about 4 months ago. Thanks for all your help ;)


  9. I would like to thank all of you for your responses. I am going to make an appt. with my primary to discuss going back on the ssri. I was seeing a woman about anxiety but that part has lessened with the proamatine. I just seem to get wild mood swings now and then. I feel a bunch better knowing that this is just another part of the pots, it kinda puts it in prospective and I am able to get thru it. Thanks again for all your help :P

  10. Depression :) do any of you experience it on a regular basis? I notice that I can go thru the day okay and then all of a sudden I get major blues. It just hits me out of the blue. More often than not anxiety will accompany the sadness. It can really be overbearing, I really have nothing to be sad about (well maybe the pots, but I am alive and from what I understand the pots wont kill me?). I am considering going back on an SSRI. I just want to make sure that I do the right thing having pots. My primary doctor is not educated in pots so I kinda have to lead him a bit. Please let me know if any of you get the blues, please :P

  11. Hi,

    Your symptoms sound just like mine did. When I was 23 my heart rate went up to 200 and I got all the same symptoms as you (normal BP). They rushed me to the hospital and then the doctor wheel started. I was put on tenormin and xanax then told I had tachycardia. I lost tons of weight then got pregnant and felt normal again. I felt good for about 12 years then I thought I was having panic attacks and the cycle started again, this time I went on paxil and was told I needed an ablation (SVT) thank God I did not get it. Three years later went off paxil and again it started. I took the TTT and it was negative but my great cardiologist recognized the symptons and told me to research pots with low BP and tachycardia. I now eat lots of salt, water and Proamatine and I am starting to feel almost normal. Dont give up it took me 15 years. I am so glad you can still work, I am now able to go back myself. ;)

  12. I just wanted to warn you if you have low blood pressure this medicine might not be good for you. I was prescribed verapamil by a cardiologist that said I needed an ablation. Thank goodness I didnt get the ablation or take the medicine. Do you have Low Blood Pressure? This medicine is used for High/irregular heart rates and HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE. My pressure was 80/60 if I would have taken this medicine I would have Bottomed out. Let me know how it goes.

  13. I want to know if any of you get wheezing, asthma type symptons with proamatine. I have been on it for about a month and this is a new side affect or symptom of pots for me. It kinda feels like when you have a chest cold. The proamatine is working for me otherwise so I dont want to quit unless I have to. Do you think this a symptom of pots? Thanks for any imput.

  14. Hi, I am with you. I read it and got very nervous too. My doctor has only done a tilt table test on me and it showed nothing. I have low bp but it happens when I am lying, sitting and standing. My heart rate does go up when I stand though. Shouldnt the docs to a complete workup to tell us what we have. (not just say it is Pots) Wouldnt there be an underlying conditioning causes us to have this, or could we just have pots. I want to know the long term prognosis.

  15. I was put on paxil for 3 years because we thought I was having painic attacks. We know better now!! I loved paxil, in the beginning the side affects were mild. I would get the feeling of bugs crawling on my head, sweating very easy and tired. I started taking it at night and I would sleep great and wake up refreshed. If you are tapering off Ativan you should have very little side affects from either drug if you ramp up slowly on paxil and cut back slowly on the ativan. When I was starting paxil my doc gave me Klonopin(benzo) with the paxil so I would not have extreme side affects since I was a nervous wreck. I went off paxil because I gained 35 lbs and it started making me not have alot of feelings (ex: unable to cry, or laugh) I was just kinda always mellow. I would love some of that now though. Good luck to you, I think you will get great benefit from it.

  16. Hi everyone,

    I have been on proamatine for about 3 weeks now 5mg 2x day. I do not get the chills that often now but I do get a side affect. At 1 1/2 hours into the medicine my pulse and blood pressure drop real low and I get confused feeling and the chills. This last for about 15 minutes to 1/2 hour then both pressure and pulse even out. I see my cardiologist on Wednesday so I will ask him about it. Overall I have more energy ( until the last dose wears off). Do any of you get this. Also, I am gonna ask for Celexa, do you feel that it works well with the proamatine? Any input will be great.

  17. Boy, I can relate to those! Out of all the symptoms I get with POTS that is the worst for me. Once I have one I will be afraid for the next month and will get them regularly unless I take a quarter of my klonopin. When I have one I get up and walk around and concentrate on breathing it usually passes in about 15 minutes. If you start having more of these there is a good book by Edmund J. Bourne called the Anxiety & Phobia Workbook (3rd edition). It has helped me alot.

  18. Poslisa

    Thanks, I was just a little afraid when it dropped. I drink about 8-8oz waters a day and I add in Gatoraide in the middle. I eat small meals (cup of soup alot) about every 3-4 hours with alot of salt added. When I wake up I drink a small can of V8 it has 480 mg of salt in it. In my car I carry around little salt packets (like the ones you get from fast food resturants). I can tell by my ankles if I have overdone the salt but the next day I will feel great. My doctor told me to just add lots of salt to everything. I feel good most of the time. My main problem is that when my pressure goes low I have more of a mental breakdown then a physical one.

  19. Poslisa,

    Proamatine and salt/water seem to lower my heart rate greatly. I have a question also about heart rates. My rate was 90 resting 110-160 standing. I am on proamatine now 5mg 2x day and my rate goes as low as 50 resting and the highest standing has been 90. Are these numbers good or is 50 too low?

  20. Hi,

    I myself have Klonopin .5mg (I have been using it for about 5 years) which I take a quarter of when I am having panic attacks. I am very careful with them. I usually only need it during my hormonal times. I have read on this forum that others are taking Celexa, at my next cardiologist appt. I am going to ask for some. I was taking paxil for three years (loved it) but it put 35 pounds on me and I just lost 20 of it. When I was on a SSRI I felt good almost all the time thats why it took the doctors so long to figure out what was wrong with me. Talk to your doctor and keep trying one until you find the one that fits you.

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