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Posts posted by miladystears

  1. one. Kate

    two. seventeen

    three. POTS, though not technically, they don't really have a name for my "condition", but it's a close relative of POTS.

    four. diagnosed at sixteen, the beginnings of the syndrome appeared when I was fourteen

    five. town in the middle of farmland and mansions, Maryland

    six. at worst, abdominal discomfort/ nausea, headache, anxiety, vomiting 4 times a day, fatigue, "mental fog", and so on , and so forth

    seven. at best, all of the above, but only vomiting once a day

    eight. stress makes it all worse, all the meds I'm on don't really do much of anything, help or hinder

    nine. acupuncture helps some, as does cranial sacral massage, other than that, well it's yet to be seen

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