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Posts posted by carlacat

  1. I've been taking the tumeric now for a week and I sure do notice a difference. Usually around noon I have to lay down becuase I feel so exhausted. I dont feel so tired and exhausted now, last two days I actually worked out in the yard.

    I take 500 mg a day with my breakfast and have not experienced any other side effects from it and I'm usually very senstive to meds and some vitamins. I take a multivitamin also in the morning that has vitamin C in it but if I was to take a vitamin C pill by itself, it makes me sick. I know that sounds crazy and my husband didnt believe me then I proved it to him. He believes me now. I'm definitly a keeper on this one.

  2. Okay you all got me sold on this one. Of course I asked my doctor if it was okay for me to try it and she said it would be fine. So I went to the local health food store and bought a bottle today 60 pills for $15.00 plus they put me on their email list for coupons info etc... I love this place, I just wish i was more educated on all the herbs etc that are good for ya. I'd have a field day!!! LOL I took one with my lunch..so far so good.

  3. Thanks everyone....Today we are going down to his place, for the first time since he has been gone. I feel that I just need to do this because I feel like I'm stuck on that same week and I'm not moving and the rest of the world is moving on without me. I know that sounds silly....

    I do appreciate everyone's thoughts and prayers. To me my dad is still setting on his porch listening to his bluegrass and in heart he probably still is.


  4. Me again!!! Dad's treatment were suspose to be 3 1/2 hrs long wednesday but his white blood cell count is down so they just did a 45 min treatment. He had sickness afterwards but the meds they gave him for nausa seems to be helping.

    So just hangin in there takin it day by day. I've been having alot of problems with my knee joints and muscles lately, I guess its the fibo kicking in.

    Just wanted to give an update.


  5. Sorry I havent updated for a while. Dad started his new chemo treatments, first day was a 3 hr treatment plus we were there for about 5 hrs. The three days after the treatment dad was really sick and exhausted. All he does is sleep anyways. The last treatment was only 1/2 hr long but then again we set there for 2 hours waiting on bloodwork to come back etc...

    He did much better on that treatment, he wasnt so sick afterwards. They gave him a perscription (womans horrmone) to get his appetite back. he still isnt eating alot. He is still on the seisure meds and about 8 other pills. He gets frustrated cause he wants to do something around the house and just cant do it. The brain MRI came back good and the radation doc said that there is no signs of cancer cells in the brain left from the tumor. The cancer in his lungs is causing him shortness of breath which I notice more and more.

    He has two weeks off before he goes back for the 3 1/2 hr treatment again. Blood work is today to check his blood levels. As for me, brain fog is really hitting me hard. My husband thinks I'm losing my mind cause I forget so easy. I had an appt with my doc for my yearly and mammagram(which all turned out good) but she said the memory thing is because of depression and my pots, she raised my zoloft to 100...thank goodness. Sorry so long.....


  6. Updating on my dad...he went to his chemo appt last wed and had a reaction to the treatment (he was having difficulty breathing) so they took him off the drip and this wed they will discuss our other options of chemo and go from there. We have 3 appts this week, plus I'm having to pay out 300.00 for a muffler on my car. My cat went to the vet for surgery today because she has a tumor in her ear.

    This has got to stop sometime soon.

    I sound like a cry baby today dont I?? Sorry..just venting

  7. Hi Carla--

    I was just thinking of you today and wondering how you and your father are doing. I'm sory to hear that this overwhelming process is going on with the chemo. It must be so difficult for you to go through this. How are you feeling physically? Are you still working at your full time job through all this?

    Take care,


    That was nice of you thinking of me today. My dad is feeling really really tired. He goes next week for another chemo treatment, MRI of his head and then we have an appt with the radation doc to see if the radation did any good on the "left over" cancer cells in his head. Yes, it is very difficult.

    No, I'm not working anymore. I have found that all of this has just set me off on my symptoms. I dont know if its the fibro fog or the Pots but I am having a hard time of remembering things and sleeping at night. I think there are so many things going on that I'm so stressed out my brain is just boggled.

    Plus I'm going thru a very bad depression stage right now and that dont help matters.

    As for my dad, since he is in stage 4, they are just trying to prolong his life because the doc said the treatments will not make it go away. He hasnt had any real bad side effects yet, but the next treatment may kick him in the rear. Thanks for asking. I try to keep smiling......


  8. Sorry I havent been in touch lately but answer to one of your questions, dad is 74 yrs old. He finished up his radation and starts chemo mar 19th (wed). Its so over whelming with all they tell ya at these appt and me with my fibro fog I have to write everything down. As for dad he cant remember what they tell him so we have to keep reminding him over and over.

    The doc said he probably wont get his hearing back either. Dad is just so tired and short of breath, I really think that after a couple treatments and he gets sick, he wont continue them.

    I have to say I wouldnt blame him, but thats his decision. Its him that is dealing with all the side effects. I know it sounds awful of me saying that but they are trying to prolong his life and there is no time limit on that so if he is really sick with the treatments then why spend the rest of his life being so sick. I dont know, I'm just babbling.

    This is just so hard to deal with and trying to keep my nerves from going haywire on me which makes my pots alot worst.

  9. My husband had this happen to him. It happened once then the next week it happened again. He went to an eye doctor who checked his eyes then they told him to make an appt with his doc which is the VA hospital where they did tests and it was a mini stroke. They said that sometimes there is pieces of calcium or build up that lets go and it will cause this but they checked him out for blockages which he had none but definitly get it checked out cause that is a warning sign of something going on.

  10. Update...Dad had his first radation treatment today, he has to have it 5 days a wk for 3 weeks.

    We also met with the cancer doctor, the pet scan showed active cells in his lungs (which is where the cancer started), his adrenal gland and a couple glands in his stomach. He is hoping that the cancer cells in his brain hasnt spread.

    After the radation we will meet with him and discuss chemo in which I really dont think dad is gonna be able to handle it. He is so tired, in the waiting room he kept falling asleep. He is in stage 4 now, they can try and prolong his life with the chemo and radation but cant cure him.

  11. Well here I am posting to let everyone know where I stand at this point in life. I've been working full time since August and my body just cant take it anymore. The pain is increasing with my muscles and joints and I'm constantly wore out. Which means I'm gonna have to go back to working part time after I get my body straightened out.

    Then on New Years my nervous system went all out of whack and I'm a nervous wreak because my dad 74 yrs old went to the ER New Years eve by ambulance cause he had a seizure, found out he also had a heart attack. Then after tests were ran found out he had a brain tumor in which they removed first week in Jan.

    The tumor was cancer, he also has lung cancer, a spot on his kidney and his adrenal gland. He had a pet scan last week and tomarrow (tues) we will find out where all the cancer is in his body. He also starts radation on his head tomarrow and then will start chemo after that.

    He is so tired now that I'm afraid he wont be able to handle the treatments. I want to get my body feeling better (if possible) so I can help with my dad. I'm the only daughter so between me and my step mother, were gonna have our hands full.

    I'm tired, I'm depressed and I pray everyday for God to give me strength. I'll welcome all prayers at this point.

  12. WOW..I thought I was an alien or something because the same is with me. I never get sick. I havent had a cold going on 8 yrs now and I never have gotton the flu. My husband and everyone around me has been sick with a cold or the flu and I never catch it. Wonder if our immune system is so strong fighting these other alments we have that it takes care of the colds and flu automatically. I work in a place where there is dirty money and always sick people coming in and so far (knock on wood) I havent caught anything.

  13. Its werid cause it can happen anytime. I was driving home from work the other day and went to rub my ear and it hurt like heck..really sore. So no it doesnt happen when I'm lying down, more when I'm upright. I'm thinking maybe since I've been on my feet that the blood flow is constricted in that area. Who knows......Even thou I'm back to working full time time, it just wears me out. I have to lay down when I get home, I'm being very careful cause I dont want to get where I was before.

    Take Care

  14. I love my job I started in December but the only problem is...I go to work at 3:30 and work the evening and I'm losing weight because I'm not eating my supper. I eat my breakfast and then alittle lunch and thats it. Does anyone have any ideas of a good meal drink or something that I can get so I'll be getting something for my supper? I know this sounds like a stupid question but any imput would be great. I have my yearly checkup next month so I will have my doctor do a good look over to make sure nothing else is going on with the weight loss deal.

  15. I went back to work also. Working 3 days a wk at a hotel working in the laundry. Its working out great because I can set down when I want and I'm also moving around which helps too. I love getting out and being able to work, my animals just dont participate in conversation very well. lol

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