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Posts posted by DrDiana

  1. Hi S-pot, When I tried Florinef, my intracranial pressure went through the roof! Being a therapeutic optometrist, I was leaning toward that diagnosis, and Florinef confirmed it for me. High intracranial pressure can cause a host of ocular (and neurological) problems. Of course, hydrocortisone can also cause glaucoma and cataracts, if used long term. You can go off of the Florinef, see if it gets better, then go back on, if you want to self-experiment! (not something all of us should do or are comfortable doing!). Me? I live for that stuff! I stopped Florinef immediately and took a couple of Diamox to decrease my intracranial pressure (eye doctors keep it around the office for emergency closed-angle glaucoma). I responded positively within hours.

  2. Hi Yogini,

    That sounds exactly like cataplexy -- not uncommon with us. It is sort of similar to "fainting goats" (have you ever heard of those?).

    Some people have narcolepsy with it, but not all. Do you have any signs of high intracranial pressure (the feeling of fullness in your head, nausea, dizziness, vertigo, sensitivity to sound, light, motion and/or stress, tremors -- worsening with Valsalva (straining), do you get motion-sick easily? All can be signs of slightly increased intracranial pressure. I just wonder if that is the cause of your cataplexy.... :)

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