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Posts posted by imre

  1. Thanks Ancy. Yeah, the gastroparesis is a pain. I've herd of people getting botox injections to keep the little opening between the stomach and intestine open. Not quite sure how exactly works or if that is the function.

    So, was wondering if you had heard anything about this. Also, does the domperideone relieve bloating. Basically, I eat like a few bites get bloated and then nauseous. Does domperidone help with that?

    As for my bed, Yeah I find that elevating more helps. I usually stuff a bunch of pillows underneath myself or under my mattress, which is a foam ikea mattress so tilts up pretty easily. Thanks for your comment I hope you have a happy Thanksgiving as well.

  2. I have a lot of difficulty eating large meals. I think tied for lightheadedness and tachycardia my worst symptom is my GI bloating. I have realized that it's my acid reflux and slow stomach motility that wakes me at night with terrible tachycardia and nausea. I sleep with an elevated pillow which tilts me up to reduce this a little bit but still doesn't fully help.

    Anyway, with the holidays coming up and large meals on the horizon I am wondering has anybody had problems like Gastroparesis that they have been able to fix. Or has anybody else had a similar experience and have it resolve over time?

    Also, helpful tips for people suffering the same problems are welcome!

  3. If so how long did it last and were there any complications with pots that I should be aware of? I have had bronchitis for the past two weeks and my cough and shortness of breath are persistent. This has totally crushed my exercise routine which was helping me maintain some semblance of health :(

    I was prescribed ventolin and mucinex I haven't tried the ventolin yet because I am on a beta blocker and there may be some interaction. Has anyone here ever used ventolin, has it been effective?

    Thanks all

  4. Apparently in space where there is barely any gravity and astronauts float, the blood rushes to the head. This causes astronauts problems because the fluids press on their eyes slightly and cause cranial pressure. It's similar to what hanging upside down on monkey bars feels like. There vision is impaired after weeks and months of feeling this pressure.

    Anyway just thought this was interesting as it is also a postural type fluid based problem. Wonder if midodrine or another vasocompressor would be good for them.

  5. Artluvr I feel the same way, I live in PA also and woke up this morning feeling sore and exactly how you described it Blah. Hopefully there are no tornadoes in your area that is scary! I think the pressure changes along with the recent weather changes are definitely something that affects our symptoms. Wish I knew what to do about it.

  6. I just took the antibiotic z-pack last week and after a few days worth of doses started to get nausea and upset stomach. It's been a week and though some of the stomach issues are resolving I am more light headed than ever and feel terrible. Has anybody experienced this type of reaction. If so how long do the side effects take to wear off.

  7. Cold weather could very much be it. It affects me a lot as well. Cold weather constricts blood vessels and will raise your BP. Also, and I assume you are affected by the Polar Vortex, it is a huge drop in temperature and could really aggravate our symptoms because of sensitivity to weather change.

    One thing I have noticed that helps me is to wear a neck warmer, or scarf and breathe through that so that I a breathing in warmer air. I can't really tell you why this helps but it does for me. Hand warmers also are helpful.

  8. It could be possible, there is a spectrum of symptoms for autonomic dysfunction. I always thought that with POTS one of the main features was that blood would pool in the extremities when in an upright position. The heart tries to compensate for this hence the "tachycardia" in POTS. Blood pooling causes less blood flow to the head and brain and therefore I would assume most people with POTS have dizziness. Although possibly not everybody I think there is a poll on this board somewhere asking what symptoms we suffer. Do you still have tachycardia?

  9. I think dealing with this and loneliness is a sure fire mixture for a bit of depression. Even if we are not clinically depressed, I think feeling down some times is normal. Try to get out and do things if you can. Also, sleeping I have found to be very important in helping with energy to do activities during the day so keep up with that.

  10. Ramakentesh, I agree that it has something to do with the bodies inability to control circulation. I especially feel that blood is rushing to my muscles and not circulating properly. If that is what you mean by hypoperfusion. Although I looked up hypoperfusion and there is no real category of shock that my symptoms match. Hopefully this is not a dangerous symptom.

    Thanks for the responses it's reassuring that I am not the only one who has this. Susan thanks for the tip I will try Mg on days that I exercise and see how it goes.

  11. This happens to me on days when I exercise or generally push too hard. The obvious solution would be to be careful and not push too hard. The paradox is, exercise is supposed to be a therapy for POTS so how do we know what is too much and what goals should we aim for? Also is there anything I can do that would allow me to exercise and not get shakes an jitters. Currently my only med is nadalol (low dose beta blocker).

  12. Link to "October Slide" article or name of publication and author? One reason why sudden weather change may affect us is blood vessels dilate in warmth and constrict in cold. Since we have autonomic dysfunction the blood pressure fluctuations happening from warm to cold or vice versa may not be normally regulated. Guessing higher bp in cold weather lower in warm. Quick drop in BP leads to fainting feeling.

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