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Posts posted by Thomas

  1. @puppylove Monoamniotic means they were in the same amniotic sac... which is high risk because one or both may not have survived due to tangled cords. During the pregnancy we went for ultra sounds multiple times a week to see if they were getting tangled... which as it turns out they were and my wife had an emergency C-Section.... looking back at it.... it was somewhat funny.... the operating room was a couple of floors above where ultra sounds occurred and instead of putting my wife on a bed or in a wheel chair we all ran up the stairs to the operating room and it seems like in a matter of minutes the girls were here.... They were 10 weeks early and had to stay in the NICU for awhile, but much better than the alternative.

    @dani it would be interesting to know what the gene is.

    @mwise Thank you! We talked to our daughters cardiologist (CHOP doc specializing in dysautonomia), he didn't think it would add value... however I continue to ask him and others... seems like an opportunity just waiting to happen..... not that our daughter's twin would be thrilled about it :-)

    @anna Thank you!

    @issie Thank you!

  2. We have identical twin girls who were/are monoamniotic twins which are somewhat rare (~1% of twin births). One of the girls has POTS while the other does not. This seems like a unique opportunity for comparative testing (genetics?).

    I'm curious if there are benefits (such as finding a cure) of studies/testing consisting of twins and if anyone has heard of POTS testing consisting of monoamniotic twins and/or twins in general.

    Thank you!


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