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Status Updates posted by Monstrosity

  1. Avatar help! I've been trying to get this done all day...

  2. Bad headache today... Not sure if its the weather, or the B Blocker. Could be both...

  3. Cant seem to get out of bed... Chiro here in a few and then the Gastro doc.

  4. The more I read about MCAD the more I think I have it... Debating on taking my Beta tonight. I've felt really bad on it the past few days...

  5. long 13 hour day at work.... Thank gawd its over!!!!

  6. Watching East Bound and Down season 2. Kenny Powers always makes me laugh!

  7. Sneezing is making me have presyncope today... High pollen levels are killing me!

  8. Long day at work. Then came home caught Bowsers tail in his cage (now feel bad and hope he's not hurt). Then dropped my electric shaver and broke it. Gonna take the night off for posting and try to fix it and go to sleep.

  9. Had to drink Barium and have X rays taken earlier. I went through one scan of X-Rays and that was it! They said it went through me very fast.

  10. Today was just one of those days...

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