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Posts posted by trisharose

  1. Hello all,

    Sorry I havent been online much. I have been fighting with this POTS and early pregnancy stuff. I am happy to report now that life is getting ALOT better. IM officailly in the 2nd trimester. Im 13 weeks pregnant now. things are going alot better. The first couple months sucked and were filled with dizzy and disorientation and tiredness and just didnt have energy to do anything. well its getting better! Here are some things that helped me jsut had to share hoping maybe they will help others:

    1. drink LOTS of gatorade- my dr. suggested it. it has lots of salts and it really helped the dizzyness

    2. Dont over do it. I couldnt be super mom for a coupld of months but my 5 year old daughter loves movie days

    when I couldnt do much we just vegged on the couch and cuddled and watched movies and she loved it!

    3. let the hubby do some stuff.- my hubby understood finally after i explained how I felt and showed him this board

    and showed that look this is real and others have it too. then it clicked and he pitched in alot on house work and

    etc. around the house!

    4. smaller meals more frequently then big meals.- for me this helped BIG time. Munching all day smaller stuff

    rather then 3 big meals really gave me more strength and really helped!

    Hope some of this helps fellow pregnant POTS women. Dont give up! I know tis hard and at times I just cried. but I jsut needed to remind myself it will be all worth it once i hold that baby in my arms. My baby is due Decemeber 21st. so I got awhile. but its getting better. if anyone needs support feel free to email me. Im here to listen and support!

    and good news I get to find out the gender of the baby in 5 weeks! I cant wait!!!!! i will keep you all updated!

  2. [Congrats on getting the disablity. I too have POTS. I have been in and out of jobs trying to cope with it but just cant. IM a stay at home mom now due to POTS and also im pregnant with my 3rd child. I wanted to apply for disablilty. See I have a tramatic brain injury due to a drunk driver hitting us 3 years ago. so I am somewhat disabled plus now the POTS is just not helping. My only concern and maybe you can shed some light. I heard that if I try to get disability that they will come in and assess if I can care for my children and there is a possibility that they could be taken away. Is that true?? I have no problem at all caring for my daughter and now im pregnant with another child. Onyl problems Ib have are in florescent lighting and large crowds and in the public work place. any suggestions or ideas????????



  3. Hello fellow pregnant Pots friend! My name is Trish! I am pregnant also. I am not due till december though. I was diagnosed with POTS after the birth of my sescond child. This is my third child I am pregnant with now and my first POTS pregnancy. I asked my dr. about all your worries and they told me that the natural the delivery the better. They said if I need meds and etc it is possible but its easier on me and easier for me to recover due to POTS if I try to have the baby as natural as possible.

    With that said after My diagnosis I had several surguries and was under anesthia and etc numerous times. It did not affect my POTS at all. I even was on alot of pain killers fro pain and they did not affect me at all. So i would said go with your gut and research as much as you can.

    If like you said and your not really having problems now I wouldnt sweat it. Soon you will have a precious baby in your arms and nothing else will matter!!

    off the stubject. Your the first person I have met with POTS and pregnant at the same time. Was it hard in the begining of pregnancy?? My dr. took me off all my meds already for POTS to protect the baby and im super dizzy and just need to lay low for awhile and cant do much. Does it get better the farther along in pregnancy you are?? Im only 3 months so i got a long time to deal with pregnancy and POTS symptoms all at the same time!! I would love your opinoin!

    GOOD LUCK and congrats on the baby!!!!!!!!!

  4. Thank you for the kind words. I will definately keep everyone posted on pregnancy and POTS. I was diagnosed with POTS after the birth of my second child. Wierd I didnt get it after my first. so this will be our 3rd child but first pregnancy with pots. So far I really shouldnt complain. Yes I get dizzy and life is harder. I do need to change my schedule and ways I do things now but in the end its worth it. Its only 6 more months of this then I can go back on Zoloft and be fine again. And in the end I have such a HUGE blessing of a baby. My advice to you is dont let POTS stop you from wanting more children. Talk with your dr and get a game plan started. My dr. have been great about it. My hubby and I didnt think we could get pregnant again due to different reaons so we didnt have anything planned but things are coming together. and my hubby is such a great support. When I have bad days he is right there to help with our 5 year old daughter and let me sleep or lay down. And he is really helping with house stuff and just being such a great hubby. Pregnancy with POTS is do-able its just I need to keep my focus off the pain and other symptoms and put it back on the baby.

  5. Hello,

    My name is Trisha. Im a 25 year old wife and mother. I got P.O.T.S after the birth of my second daughter. That was over 3 years ago. Ever since my diagnosis I have been on Zoloft which has been such a God send and gotten rid of the brain disorientation and also the dizzyness. Well now I am pregnant with my 3rd child and dr. have taken me off all meds. BOy this really ***** having POTS and I cant take anything for fear it will harm my unborn baby. Anyone been pregnant and have POTS and found anything that helps?????

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