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Posts posted by Hannah_mariet13

  1. Bunny, im not surprised they wouldn't operate on you with you bp that low. In a normal person bp drops under anesthesia, with your bp that low, it dropping even more while your under could have caused problems. It probably wasn't the POTS exactly, just the fact at that time your bp was too low.

  2. Jen, your reaction seems similar to mine. Besides my vitals dropping i also had trouble coming out of it and bladder problems causing them to have to catheterize me, those problems still happen, but i haven't had any problems with my vitals sense that time, because they know i have POTS and what happend in the past and they medicate me first. The first surgery they made me stay for 12 hours to monitor me, and wouldn't even let me sit up for the first six. They often recommend they i stay the night after surgery but i usually decline, because after about 6 hours i'm okay, just tired and dizzy. I am not aloud to have surgery at a surgery center or be put under at an office though, i had a surgery scheduled at a surgery center one time and i was sitting waiting with my gown on and everything, they found out my history and sent me home, and rescheduled it at a hospital, i also had to have my wisdom teeth out at a hospital instead of the normal office. I seem to do fine now as long as i am at a hospital and put on something to up my vitals.

  3. i sorry, i didn't mean to freak anyone out. I was just curios. I would just recommend that when you you see the anesthesiologist tell him about is so they know to whats your vitals extra close. Also of never happened to me again after they gave me something to up my vitals, and iv'e had 3 surgeries sense. I think it was Epinephrine they gave me, which would normally be bad with someone in with POTS, but its better then your vitals dropping! Try not to worry to much though, I'm sure your anesthesiologist will take good care of you, especially sense he talked to your cardio, they will know what to do for your case. If you don't mind me asking what kind of surgery are you having?

  4. I have had four surgeries sense i developed POTS. The first time i had a bad reaction to the anesthesia, my bp dropped to 50 over 20 and my hr dropped to 30. They said if i would have stayed that way for a few more seconds that they would have had to shock my heart back into rhythm. Luckily that didn't happen. I have been under anesthesia 3 times since. Now they give me something to boost my heart rate before going under. I haven't had any problems since. It's wierd though because i normally am tachy. Have any of you had reactions to anesthesia? if so what happened?

  5. thank you for you replies.


    I was tested for Lyme a while back when my joint pain was worse than usual, but it was negative,


    I went to one rehumey who really just did some blood tests and said i was fine. I don't really know how to find a good rehumey that will take me seriously and have any sort of knowledge of POTS around where i live. My pain is mostly dull and more of an annoyance than anything write now, but i'm only 17 so i hope it doesn't get any worse. I did have a lot of problems with sprains when i was younger, especially in my right ankle. I twisted my ankle walking home from my bus stop and it cracked my growth plate because my ligaments in my ankle were too loose to support it. I had surgery a few years later to tighten my ligaments. My Orthopedic doc said my ligaments were hypermobile, but i never gave it much though. I mean iv'e always been flexible, but i never thought i was flexible enough to have EDS or and other similar condition.

  6. Oh and it also makes my feel really dizzy and ive been known to stumble into things because of it! this didn't start happening until like 6 months ago or see, but its exactly how you describe it! i have never had any eye problems before.

  7. Yes! this happens to me all the time! especially when i actually make it to school, after like two hours i have a really hard time focusing on stuff. If i look directly at something it gets blurry, sometimes i cant even tell if someone if one of my friends if there fairly far away and im looking directly at them. I seem to have no problem when i lie down, but after sitting for more than an hour or so , or standing for anytime at all, i cant focus on anything! it gets all blurry and sometimes even makes my eyes hurt.

  8. I have noticed a lot of you on here have conditions such and EDS and BHJS. I was just wondering to those of you who have it and those of you who don't, what type of pain do you have with it? i know these conditions can be painful, but iv'e always wondered what type of pain it causes. Not specific dislocations, but just the general pain. I have a lot of joint problems, but i don't often have sharp pain with them. I just have general soreness and my muscles all feel tight and have a dull type of pain constantly. I just wanted your ideas about this and to know what type of joint pain you get. My joints also but crack and grind all the time. I have bursitis of the shoulder and my shoulder grinds horribly. I had surgery to fix it, and several sessions of physical therapy, but it hasn't helped. The surgery was very painful and only helped for maybe a month. I have had back pain sense i was like 6 or 7 and have mild scoliosis, and i have trouble keeping up with notes in school because of cramping in my hands. I went to a reumy once and he said nothing was wrong, i'm not in horrible pain, its just more of an annoyance. So please tell me the type of joint pain you have, describe it the best you can. Thanks!

  9. I have noticed a lot of you on here have conditions such and EDS and BHJS. I was just wondering to those of you who have it and those of you who don't, what type of pain do you have with it? i know these conditions can be painful, but iv'e always wondered what type of pain it causes. Not specific dislocations, but just the general pain. I have a lot of joint problems, but i don't often have sharp pain with them. I just have general soreness and my muscles all feel tight and have a dull type of pain constantly. I just wanted your ideas about this and to know what type of joint pain you get. My joints also but crack and grind all the time. I have bursitis of the shoulder and my shoulder grinds horribly. I had surgery to fix it, and several sessions of physical therapy, but it hasn't helped. The surgery was very painful and only helped for maybe a month. I have had back pain sense i was like 6 or 7 and have mild scoliosis, and i have trouble keeping up with notes in school because of cramping in my hands. I went to a reumy once and he said nothing was wrong, i'm not in horrible pain, its just more of an annoyance. So please tell me the type of joint pain you have, describe it the best you can. Thanks!

  10. I have noticed a lot of you on here have conditions such and EDS and BHJS. I was just wondering to those of you who have it and those of you who don't, what type of pain do you have with it? i know these conditions can be painful, but iv'e always wondered what type of pain it causes. Not specific dislocations, but just the general pain. I have a lot of joint problems, but i don't often have sharp pain with them. I just have general soreness and my muscles all feel tight and have a dull type of pain constantly. I just wanted your ideas about this and to know what type of joint pain you get. My joints also but crack and grind all the time. I have bursitis of the shoulder and my shoulder grinds horribly. I had surgery to fix it, and several sessions of physical therapy, but it hasn't helped. The surgery was very painful and only helped for maybe a month. I have had back pain sense i was like 6 or 7 and have mild scoliosis, and i have trouble keeping up with notes in school because of cramping in my hands. I went to a reumy once and he said nothing was wrong, i'm not in horrible pain, its just more of an annoyance. So please tell me the type of joint pain you have, describe it the best you can. Thanks!

  11. puppylove, in the tenth grade i had to be home bound too, but i did like the system so i tried to go back barely passing the year. My junior year i was pulled of of my school into a city school home school program after passing out and seizing on the floor in the hallway. This past summer i was doing really well, i was babysitting and taking a two mile walk everyday!! I was really hoping to enjoy my senior year at my school, but i started getting sick all the time. I have miss a TON but i am still there(sometimes) i just have to work with my teachers and my doctor sent a note to my school. I am determined to finish out my senior year at my school. There is only a little over two months left so i hope i can do it! you can pm me anytime, it sounds like were in similar situations sense we are both young and have to deal with being sick and the school system. Thank you for replying!

    Katybug, That is some good advice thank you. I go to a cardiologist the specializes in dysautonomia, he diagnosed me with POTS but has never gone into what kind or why. He just said the mono caused it. I think i will try an immunologist if the ENT doesn't find anything. I just hope i can find a good one close to where i live, and i never thought about the mono recurring, i was just told it triggered my POTS. Thank you for that idea, i will certainly look into it. After all in my case every thing did start with mono. Thank you!

  12. Maybe sense water makes gravity less intense the water causes less stress on your body to counteract the gravity, even with the heat. So you would feel better until you got out and the gravity was more intense again making you more symptomatic. I don't really know but that's the only idea i have. Also many people with POTS can be vitamin D deficient so a little sunlight can make you feel better. Like i said i don't really know , just putting in my input. I'm new here.

  13. Thank you for your reply. Yeah i seem to do well on my medication unless im sick, but when im sick everything gets a lot worse including my asthma problems. but usually i get better and im ok. Right now i just cant seem to stop getting sick! not even for a week! hopefully people on this forum can give me some more ideas of what could be going on.

  14. Hi, i'm new here

    Well, here is my story.I was diagnosed with POTS about 3 years ago after having mono. The first year was a bad one. I also have asthma. I tried many beta blockers that seemed to either not work or give me horrible asthma problems. I finally got on a combination of meds that worked well for me. though last year i had a relapse after an infection and started having non-epileptic seizures. My parents pulled me out of school and i was home schooled the rest of that year. The rest of that year and all through the summer i did really well. This year i went back to my high school and i did well for about 6 or 7 weeks. Then i just seemed to catch infection after infection. I have not been completely infection free sense November. Of course having all these infections has made my POTS symptoms come back. Its my senior year of high school and i am trying so hard to stick it out. I miss a ton of school. What i really want to know is can POTS decrease your immune system? i went to a ENT yesterday and i get an endoscopy next week. I just wanted to know if any of you have this problem? and if the ENT doesn't find anything whats the next step? immunologist? please give me any ideas or input you have!

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