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Posts posted by luckygoat

  1. how about...

    when you fall down/pass out in the front yard and a stranger that isn't from around here stops at the neighbors and tells them someone is "down" next door. Then the neighbor proceeds to come down to see if your "alive". BTW this was when it was raining.

    When your mom calls your cell to see if your alright, when your in the barn.

    Such good times....

  2. Tonight i was talking with a neighbor by the goat pens and well this one goat is walking around with something strange around the belly. A closer look and there he has the water bucket stuck. I said "i didn't know he could fit in it", his response is "he didn't know either".

    Five gallon buck, 80 lb market goat wether, what a way to collect pee. It didn't bother him one bit altho the other three boys were thirsty. It was a struggle to get it off of him but it did come off. Two pictures...



  3. Thanks guys, mom got ahold of the dr and i guess all the funky symptoms from the Cymbalta were strange and he told me to stop taking it, and go back to lexapro but i really don't want to go back on it. I don't remember a lot of what happened on the Cymbalta but as mom says it was horrible...my attitude, and bouncing off the walls, and the headache that made me scream/pound ect. Right now the headache isn't too bad right now. Even with the heat i'm not sweating like a hog...an amazing feeling. Anyways i go to the pcp on thursday which i will discuss it with him. I do

    Right now the only main symptoms that bother me is a swishing headache ---something new but hopefully with time it will settle down. Also just some more dizziness so ya it's doable.

    Susie :blink:

  4. Yes goats do faint well at least a couple breeds do. I have seem them in action..walking around and then bam on the ground. Too cute.

    Up keep of goats, depends on what you feed, barn, vet expenses. It all adds up. Mom calls my girls "city slickers", since they prefer hay over grass (we don't have a large pasture for them so we supplement w/ hay). But they can graze if need be. Vet bills can be rather expensive if you don't have a good large animal vet w/ knowledge.

    But yes they are super friendly and my life. B)

    currently my total is 16 goats, selling two in august and breeding 7 or 8 in aug/sept...for babies.


  5. I love the idea of the washcloth! :)

    I am volunteering this summer for at a camp, okay perhaps i am nuts, no a/c, maybe i take a fan have to ask for sure. Perhaps this was a mistake as it's in July and hot, but we are on the lake....so it shouldn't be too bad. This is a summercamp for 4-H kiddos, which is always fun, but i am on the otherside of the fence, a volunteer not a camper. I will be taking my khaki shorts (i live in them year round, they are elestatic waist which seems to help and no bind me too much).

    but yes the window a/c does work wonders for sleeping, i normally can't sleep very well unless im cold enough.

    Also i wear tee shirts all the time, light colored ones but not white---i will be dirty as soon as go outside w/ white.hehe


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