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Posts posted by CatPharm

  1. Help. I'm Pots, but with bradycardia rather than tachy. I got a pacemaker back in August which didn't help as much as I hoped. Meantime, I was fighting horrific migraines that would last for days. Finally got the migrained calmed down and then started having pain in my knees when going from sitting to standing. Progressively got worse. Now it hurts to go from standing to sitting. Walking down stairs is excrutiating. This week my right side hurts badly and my lower back. This morning it took me quite awhile to get out of bed. The pain was so intense. Now my ankles and upper arms are hurting.

    Does anyone else have these symptoms? Is it or could it be POTS/autonomic related?

    Worst thing, I had to resign my job and have no health insurance and not much money. Just got my first disability denial letter today. Allsup is helping me with that or I wouldn't be able to appeal. Fatigue keeps me on my couch a lot. Lately it all seems to be getting worse. I can walk about 20 steps before I need to sit and rest.

    Sorry for the ramble.


  2. I am new here, well, I've been lurking awhile. I am/was a pharmacist up until a few weeks ago and I was lucky enough to get to sit in a chair the majority of my day. I was still dizzy, nauseated, and couldn't understand/comprehend/think straight. I missed so many days of work. Got a pacemaker, hoping that would help. I finally faced the facts and resigned my position.

    Btw, I am diagnosed as POTS, but I have bradycardia instead of tachycardia. I also have Pure Autonomic failure. Some days......most days, I can barely get off the couch.

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