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Posts posted by lavieboheme014

  1. I get lightheaded while lying down also!!!

    That was actually my first symptom that sent me to the er that started me down the long road to finally getting diagnosed with pots.

    Everyone kept telling me it was an inner ear infection or something along those lines. I don't know how many times I had to tell them it's *lightheadedness* not vertigo!

    It used to be so bad, I was scared to go to sleep too because I literally felt like I was going to die. Then I would finally fall asleep, only to be woken up with severe lightheadedness. So strange. Docs don't understand since most potsies are lightheaded when upright and feel better lying down.

    All I can say is once increasing my salt and fluid intake and starting Florinef it has improved drastically. I'm still lightheaded when I wake up in the morning, but definitely not as bad as before (most days, anyway).

    I just wanted to tell you I know exactly how you feel, the whole being scared to go to sleep thing. Don't be afraid though! Trust the doctors that you were properly diagnosed and this is NOT life threatening. If you were going to die, you would have the first time you got lightheaded while lying down. Trust your body, it's extremely capable of keeping you alive, even if you are sleeping and unconcious. Know that when you sleep, your body has nothing else to do except heal itself.

    You will be ok!!! Believe me, I know. I think I went 2 whole months terrified to go to sleep every night and I live by myself so that made it 10 times worse!

    I hope you start to feel better very soon!


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