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Posts posted by sjc2378

  1. Yes! MSG is one of my worst triggers for migraines. I discovered this one a long time ago when MSG was much more prevalent in foods. I avoid it at all costs now! It makes me so sick everytime! And this started fir me before I even was showing POTS symptoms, when I was a child.

  2. Hi there all! I am new to the forum, but excited to get some information from those that know best what I'm dealing with daily. My name is Sara (I'm 32 yrs) and I was diagnosed with POTS in July of 2009 up at Mayo Clinic with the TTT. My primary symptoms were fatigue, exercise intolerance, nausea, dizziness, brain fog, tachycardic episodes,blood pressure drops and headaches. I did not experience extreme syncopy, but was dizzy much of the time. Thankfully, I received a diagnosis early on in my illness and have done pretty well with treatment, once we found the right balance for me. I spent 3-4 months miserable and incapacitated until last fall they landed on the right treatment combinations. Since then, I have slowly been improving in baby steps. This summer I seemed to really turn a corner when I simulatneously started treatment for my Hasimoto's thyroiditis and began to see a rehabilative athletic trainer to get me moving and exercising again. I currently take nadolol (beta blocker), salt tablets, and use the non-medicinal strategies of high fluid/salt diet and daily exercise. Since May, I have nearly felt like my old self again; although of course having bad days here and there. These bad days just aren't as frequent anymore. I feel like I'm finally living again.

    When up at Mayo Clinic for my check-up a few months ago, I discussed with my team of doctors the possibility of me getting pregnant again. My husband and I have 2 little boys, but have always wanted 3 children. Unlike most people who want more kids and just "go for it," we are concerned about the implications this could have on my long-term health because of POTS. The doctors at Mayo stated that they didn't have any concerns. They felt that my autonomic system was responding to treatment well and because my meds are all safe during pregnancy, I wouldn't even have to alter treatment. They didn't feel that I would end up worse post-partum, but that is still my biggest fear. They do not believe my illness was set off by pregnancy to begin with, but instead the result of a bad virus and my autoimmune associated with my thyroid. But I am still nervous. My OB and my endocrinologist are both monitoring me for the thyroid issues since this is another concern in pregnancy. Am I just holding onto a dream that I had pre-POTS, that I will pay for later??

    So my question to all of you is, what is your experience with pregnancy and POTS? Did you feel worse during or afterwards? And if so, for how long? I've read research that says there is no direct disadvantage to being pregnant with POTS, but my luck is that I'd be the 1% that was worse. Any specific recommendations or suggestions? How about the anesthesia or epidurals? Anyone who has been through a similar situation-wanting a baby, but not sure it's worth the risk? I just don't want to be selfish and "go for" the third child, and end up not being able to parent my children at all because I'm so sick again.

    Thanks for your support!


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