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Posts posted by xxcaseyxx

  1. Thank you all for the advice! I have an appointment with my doctor tomorrow. Not exactly sure what exactly they're going to do. I'm hoping that nothing too major is going on with me. I'll keep my fingers crossed!

    But it's weird that Simmy said that about the drug overdose. It was really similar to the time that I took too many Tylenol and slept for like three days.

    Again, thank you all for the support and advice!

  2. Two days ago I was shopping with my foster mother at the store BJ's.We were waiting in line to get deli meat and suddenly I got a little dizzy, it almost felt as though I had stood up too fast. I tried putting my head between my legs, but that only made it worse. So when I returned to an upright position I couldn't see anything. I took a couple steps forward and attempted to rest my head on the handle of the shopping cart. I blacked out here and I guess I pushed the cart into the wall. I do remember flashes of images though. When I turned around (I don't remember this, my foster mother told me the story) my eyes were spinning like crazy and I was stumbling into things. Finally, she helped me to sit down and then lay on the ground. They called 911 and before they arrived I was sitting up, only a little bit disoriented. Apparently, when I stood up there was a pool of sweat where my back was.

    After sitting in the Emergency Room for about 5 hours the doctor told me I had a Vasovagal episode. After researching this a little bit myself online I found that usually there is a trigger. None of these triggers happened. What could have caused the Vasovagal episode to come??



    P.S.- Sorry about the long lead up. I just wanted to tell you the story in case one of you had had a similar experience.

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