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Posts posted by Findinghope

  1. I am feeling better (at least better for me) and have been exercising but I cannot seem to lose weight. I want to loose about 30lbs. I am up to 180!!! Which is too much for me. A friend went to a weight loss clinic where she is taking this and has lost 40lbs! But in reading the information it sounds like it might not be such a good idea for someone diagnosed with POTS.

    Anyone have any experience with this or other weight loss meds? I am feeling so much better I hate to send myself into a flare up......but I really want this weight OFF.

    Let me know what you guys have done that has helped you. I currently take a very small dose of Lexapro (which has been a lifesaver) .5 mg every 2 days then skip the 3rd day and repeat. That has helped so much.

    Thanks for all of your help wishing you all health love and success!

  2. That is SO awesome. I am getting ready to start the 21 day challenge and this totally motivates me. I want to get back into shape even when I don't feel good I feel better when I know I am in good condition. What meds are you taking how are you controlling this? I am just curious. I go back to my Dr. on the 23rd I want to start training. Not sure about you but I feel pretty good running but its when I stop I feel the worst.

    Again Congrats and thanks so much for sharing it made my night!!!!!

  3. I have 2 successful pregnancies with C Sections and generally feel great when pregnant.......I had my tubes tied (long story) but we now want another one. Worried it might cause a flare anyone had any good experience with this?

    I function most days very well....compared to what I used to.....and my kids are my greatest joy so I would love another one.


  4. Thanks everyone makes me feel better to know that I am not alone with this...... The place I feel the best is in my bed sitting up with my legs out.....but staying there all day makes me feel like a complete bum. But that is when I feel best :-) I have been feeling better which I am thankful for but not quite as well as I want to but we will keep pushing on! Hugs to everyone again it is so nice to know that I am not alone.

  5. Does anyone else have this issue? If I sit upright at my desk more than a couple of hours when I get up my heart starts racing I get PVC's, feel cold, and feel awful shaky dizzy. After about 30-45 minutes of moving around I feel better.

    I know I know I should get up and move around more during the day but my job requires that I sit for long periods of time. I guess I just going to have to force myself to move around more....

    I realize others cant even get out of bed so I am thankful to be able to move around and lead a fairly "normal" life but I hate it when it happens. It scares me. I have had multiple tests done since my diagnoses in 2009 but it still scares me..........

    Anyone else experience similar issues?

    End of rant I guess thanks for listening. I don't post much but I do love to read about others and it is nice to know I am not alone.

  6. I like you got sick after a miscarriage and a DNC......strange huh. But 2 years later I was pregnant again and everything including a Csection delivery went awesome! I have a beautiful baby girl. I am not totally 100% now but I do function pretty normally. I dont do everything I want but am thankful that most days are pretty normal.

    So yes you can get pregnant, and it can go awesome! Best wishes~

  7. Chris,

    I am sorry to hear your story but it touched my heart. I own an aircraft sales company. Your career in aviation does not have to be over. I still fly with someone else of course but I live aviation everyday. Look at some other options see if you can find a good fit there are many ways to stay in the field you just have to be a little creative :-) I won't say it is always easy but I've found ways to work around my illness. Most of the time I just deny it and pretend I am fine LOL......All kidding aside let me know if I can help in anyway. Have a super day!

  8. Hey there! I go to Dr. Orem in Sidney. He is awesome! He is also a friend and I honestly think that had known me I would have kept getting diagnosed as anxious and nervous. He is a wonderful guy who listens and works to help find a solution. He is not a specialist and he will tell you that but he is willing to work with you to see what is a good fit for you. He sent me to University in Cleveland but has worked with me after my Dr there left. Dr. Chelemsky (sp?) and he is really the only person that I have been seeing for this.

    Where are you located? I would love to meet someone around here that could understand what we go though. Hope he is able to help you! He is certainly worth a try!

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