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Posts posted by busymom

  1. Sorry you have to go through all of this. Hope I can be a little reasurring... my kids got the flu also. The longest sick was about ten days with a high fever. The one thing you have on your side,like dakota said,is that your on an antibiotic. The way I look at it is that my kids now have natural immunities to H1N1. Once your past all the "yucky" stuff that comes with the flu, you'll have a stronger immune system. One thing my family does is to make sure we take vitamins, use emergen-c(this is similar to airborne), and make sure we get plenty of rest and fluids. Hope you start to feel better soon...keep us posted.

    God Bless,busymom

  2. Borrowed a wheel chair for a short time...till I get back on my feet(or so I thought). Am at the point where I realize this is something I'm going to have to learn to live with. I have lived with it(if that's what you call constant Drs appt. and er visits) all of my life. Now I'm at a point where I actually want to live. No more missing events at my kids school, no more having someone push me around in a chair, and most importantly getting back some of my independence.

    I've been looking for a motorized wheel chair. Does anyone have any pesonal recommendations? I need one that has adjustable foot rests(I fair best with my legs up...I tend to get less tachy), and a reclining back(if possible,not a must)... oh and of course affordable. It's important that I find one...I have five little ones who need their mommy.

    If anyone knows a good place or knows anyone looking to get rid of one(will buy used), PLEASE let me know.

    Thanks sooooooooo much,



  3. It's always a big ordeal. Most of the time people get all cleaned up before they go out. These days I can't even shower myself most of the time,let alone shower and than do anything else but sleep for hours. Just remember you did it...that in itself is an accomplishment. I was a very active wife, mom of five, and nurse...can you imagine the things I use to get done. Well I set those goals and I acheived them. I still set goals and I still acheive them...as I see it you do the same. We can still be productve in life... just not the same way we once did. So you set a goal today, you gave it your all, and you excelled. Keep setting goals and keep reaching them. Just think, your little girl got to see her mommy try to do something that was hard for her and she still finished it.

    God Bless


  4. Does anyone see a dysautonomia specialist at the cleveland clinic in ohio that they would recommend? My cardiologist is sending me there from jersey. This is a big ordeal because I am married with five kids. It's going to be alot on the whole family and I just want to make sure I'm going to someone who is experienced in this field. I'm at the point where I want answers even if they are answers I don't want to hear... and I want them fom someone who knows what they are talking about. All I'm looking for is to be able to perform my own adl's... tired of my kids having to help take of mom. Thanks for any suggestions!

    God Bless


  5. I went to my cardiologist for the very same reason yesterday. My hr was dropping into the low 50's when supine and I was becoming very short of breath and had a tight sinking feeling in my chest. My doc did an ekg, talked with me, and did an exam. He told me everything looked good but he has me using a holter monitor for two days just to be sure he's not missing anything. Then he asked me if I had been exposed to anyone who had been sick. Well unfortunately my kids have been sick with the flu. He is positive that my dysfunctional autonomic system is yet again causing me problems...this time because of the stress of the flu on my body. Today I woke up and I had head conjestion and that general sick feeling.

    As far as H1N1...my kids have been diagnosed with the flu. The best thing I can say as both a mom of 5 kids and a nurse is take care of yourself...Don't wait until your sick. Get as much rest as possible, stay well hydrated(provided your not on fluid restriction), and wash wash wash. Also try not to stress about what could happen and just focus on the good...we all know we have enough to stress about with whats already taking place in our bodies.

    Also I would make an appointment asap. We all know it takes forever to get seen when you really feel bad, and even if he doesn't change your treatment sometimes it just helps to be reassured when your feeling so bad.

    God Bless!


  6. My hr had been running anywhere from 110-150 while sitting up and 85-115 laying still. Now when I start turning it tends to shoot up even higher. Beta blockers didn't work for me either...one landed me in trendelenburg(head down, feet up) in the cardiac unit with bag after bag of fluid running into to me as my blood pressure diminished to almost nothing.As far as typical, I don't know, but that's been the case with me.

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