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Posts posted by jmag828

  1. might be a bit of ocd.. but you might want to see if you have any add thats what it sounds more like. and in terms of being diagnosed with pots, the fact that i have add im alson on adderall.. which has in combination with a beta blocker helped alot. it makes me alot more aware of my surroundings which when my pots flares up i otherwise can't remember anything and have the attention span of a goldfish.

  2. hey there, i recently stumbled across this board which seems like it has a great amount of info on it and wanted to introduce myself.

    i'm a 21 year old stay at home wife to a marine who has been on 3 deployments to iraq now.. and gearing up for a 4th one to afganistan in december. i've also got a 2 year old (almost!) little guy, who is a ball of energy. i was diagnosed with pots not too long ago.

    i just had a couple questions and wanted to see if anyone could help me out! i'll just give you a bit of background first.

    i was already seeing a psychitrist before the whole blood pressure & tachycardia thing started. he was the was the one that actually realized that something was going on and sent me for an ekg.. at which point i was immediatly taken off of adderall which i had been on since i was a kid (im 21 now) and put on provigil because its not a stimulant. before it was just assumed i had add, anxiety, depression, and insomnia. after being referred from on cardiologist to a different one. i've been seeing the current one for about 3 months. however i think my cardiologist isn't sure what exactly to do with me still because my blood pressure is so labile.. the lowest ive seen it is 58/45, the highest being 188/156.

    i was put on beta blocker (bystolic), which helped with the tachycardia.. and actually made me feel alot better, it felt as though i was actually able to rest. but it made my bp too low. even when i split the pill in half and down to 2.5mg.

    they took me off the beta blocker and gave me 1mg florinef, but i couldn't handle it i gained 15 lbs in 2 days and got massive headaches and stopped it after 4 days.

    now at my suggestion i have been put back on the 2.5 mg of bystolic.. along with 10mg of adderall xr. and makes my bp a steady 110/80 and a heartrate of about 95 :lol: it has become a great balance for me. and gives me that tiny bit of extra energy which gets my butt out of bed in the morning.

    i was told to stick with the high water, high salt intake too. i love the taste of salt so that wasn't exactly a problem but i still find it hard to get THAT much. about two days ago i decided i would just mix sea salt with a glass of water.. which i actually thought tasted good. and it made it soooo easy but it made my stomach go haywire and i got stuck in the bathroom all night. i was looking online and i guess some people do it every once in a while and call it it a salt water flush to detox their system. does anyone else do this on a daily basis and can handle it? or know if after a bit if your system just gets used to it?

    thanks so much!


  3. with the arrest of my other doc and what he did to me. I'm going to take it tonight and hope I get some better sleep. Sleep is always a bit of an issue, but it has really been bad the last couple of days.

    So if any ones on it, I was wondering how it effects people with our issues. We all always seem to have different reactions to meds then the normals.

    i was on ativan for about two weeks, the starter dose.. it made me groggy, and helped me fall asleep, but my built up a tolerance to it very fast. and i didn't like the idea of being on benzos to start with and wanted to stop once i felt this happening. my doctor said it was such a low dose that i didnt taper off of it and i would not have been addicted in two weeks. i stopped it cold turkey and the next two weeks were like **** in terms of anxiety. it eventually subsided but i just didn't like the ativan at all. ive taken xanax at night on an off and can take it a week or two and then if i forget to one night im fine.. but the reaction i got from the ativan was horrible. i would never take it again.

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