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Posts posted by ssparksnj

  1. I have written to both myself as well with no response. But maybe if enough people write in they may consider it. It usually takes someone famous to be affected before the media takes notice. My neice has a rare disease called Neiman Pick and for years their organization tried raising awaresness. Then, unfortunately a famous retired football player's granddaughter was born with the disease and the media was all over it. Sad that it happens that way.

  2. It's funny I came on here tonight because my son's father sent me an email saying if he is only making "C's" in college he should quite. That if he is not focused enough on school to get "A's" then why is he wasting his time. Needless to say I was quite angry. My son and I are thrilled that he is even in college. This is his 3rd year and it hasn't been easy but he is still kicking along. His Dad who obviously doesn't live with us has never really accepted my son's diagnosis of POTS. He thinks its anxiety or it's in his head.

    Reading everyone?s responses has helped me to remember that it doesn't matter what his Dad thinks, we know the truth.

    Thanks for the reminder.


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