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Posts posted by faith4christ

  1. Yes it did help me as well a great deal. I also went for 5-6mos. Toward the end I ended up with a MRSA infection and was hospitalized, so I had to stop. Later when I started back up again because of the issues we were able to discover along the previous rehab journey, we went the route of doing it in the water. I would never go back to land again. I no longer had to take my migraine meds that were exercised indused when I was on land. I was also extremely fortunate and blessed to have had a specific therapist who happened to be trianed in water therapies. She was tremendous. I would try the water first it greatly reduces the POTS symptoms and strengthed my neck and back issues. Also, i had issues with my neck. I found Dr. Denton in MI. He is wonderful and has helped also with both symptoms. I did research on what he did and as well knew others who went to him. You can just google his name Keith Denton to see. I hope this helps with your decision.

  2. I have been a member for sometime but am new to actually getting on line. In fact I am trying to navigate to see where to pick up current conversations. I can only see where old discussions have taken place. Anyway, just wondering if anyone else due our powerful immune systems has experienced alot of infection and been on antibiotics alot. Like IV antibiotics. I recently saw a Dr. who has helped patients with similar symptoms to P.O.T.S when he said in fact a systemic yeast has taken over the body messing up alot of the things like hormone levels for example-

  3. Hi evryone--sorry i am trying to navigate through here....as I was replying to someones message it posted with their message and my name, so whoever you are I am really sorry. I was going to ask about your answer to David's mom. I think i will make sure this posts properly :D

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