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Posts posted by kjohnell

  1. Hey Deanna,

    I have a similar problem. My dad (a bariatric surgeon) and my mom (his RN) have just been informed that insurance companies are going to stop funding these operations by Jan '04. So my parents are ultimately going to have to move. My parents are my ROCK, I feel so much comfort just being around them. However, I have a boyfriend of 2 years where we are living now. I really love this guy and am fearful of leaving him to be at my parents side when they move. Before I was informed that my parents are moving, him and I went looking for apts. to rent. We found one that we both love with a view of the mountains, a swimming pool, and other great accomodations. I was very excited about moving in to this apt. especially with him and our adorable dog. Now that I know my parents are moving I have no clue what to do. Im so confused and its causing even more stress on the already intolerable stress I get with this condition. I asked him about moving with us and he said no. Then I asked if we will break up then. He slouched and put his heads in his hands and said that If I moved he would be in such agony that he would eventually have to move too. I was happy to hear that but didnt want any of those feelings to subside so I left it alone after that. I also feel guilty though b/c I know that would tear him away from his friends, family, and work. Oh what to do? I would love to give you some advice, Deanna, but as you see I have a similar issue of my own. Just wanted to let you know that you arent the only one with this kind of problem which,YES, we would not be having this problem if it werent for POTS. As you see, I am just as frustrated as you with this whole condition. But, everything happens for a reason and we may not know what that reason is now but soon enough it will reveal itself.

    Good Luck,


  2. Hey guys...thanks sooo much for responding back to me. That is very encouraging, the fact that most of you say that weed would not cause POTS. However, I did have a viral infection around my first attack and even up to 1 to 2 weeks ago. My TMJ seems to be going away on its own thank God. I had to literally shove food in my mouth b/c my jaw would not open. I found that soup helped.

    Ernie: I have to agree that you are very very brave. Hopefully, one day I can gain your strength and conintue with my studies. Im fearful that I may have to quit my job too. This is because I am having a real hard time sleeping which I think is related to the amount of anxiety that I have upon being diagnosed with this and being overly aware of my symptoms. Keep truckin Ernie and let us know how graduation goes. Your family and loved ones must be very proud.

    One quick question to all: I am pretty used to the chest "aches" by now, but yesterday and today I have been having a really sharp pain in my left which is restricting me from breathing in deep and also even from sitting up. I woke up with it this morning. Does anyone else experience this? If so what can I do about it. My dad, a doctor, has told me that motrin will help...and to take 2 tablets 3 times daily. This is a really sharp pain, and it hurts. Its nothing like the bearable aches that I usually get. Help? New symptom..or something to worry about? It usually goes away within five minutes.

    Thanks for everyones help and Good Luck,


  3. Hi!

    I posted this message under a sub-category as well, but I am posting it on the main page so that maybe I get more responses.

    My name is Kat and I have just been recently diagnosed with POTS. I am only 20 and had to abruptly drop out of my college classes to treat this horribly debilitating disease. I was wondering if anyone could give some advice on how you live day to day. I am a college student and I had an attack in class and immediately started hyperventilating and causing a scene, so I decided that the only resolution would be for me to drop out of my classes. I had extreme plans for my future and this syndrome is totally putting a dent in my life. My first attack was about 1 1/2 months ago, very spontaneous. I was wondering if anyone on this forum could possibly give some assurance on how long this will last or if it ever goes away. I was thinking since it came on so suddenly that it will alleviate itself in some spontaneous manner as well. Any answers? Also, Ive read that alot of younger men and women (especially women) suddenly undergo symptoms related to POTS and ultimately are diagnosed with POTS. Is the increasing number of younger diagnosed persons with POTS related at all to drug use? Because, I will admit, that before my symptoms I was smoking weed several times a day. When smoking weed started causing arrythmia along with many other panic-like symptoms it became more discomforting rather than pleasurable... so I quit. Would weed or any other drugs trigger this syndrome? B/C even now that I am off of all drug use even alcohol and stimulants such as caffiene, POTS-like symptoms persist. This includes: Light-headedness, sudden vertigo and dizziness, hyperventilation, headaches, numbness and/or tingling, heart palpitations and arrythmia..and so on (you get the idea). Also, symptoms seem to worsen with physical exertion and food intake which I think is common with POTS patients. Its SCARY and I fear that I may never be able to get on with my life. Help? Did I just ruin my life for the simple pleasure of smoking weed? Because it is definately not worth it.

    I was also wondering if anyone else gets lock-jaw or TMD (tempurmandipular disorder..I think). I believe it may be stress related, but just curious if any other POTS patients experience this.

    Please Respond and Thanks for Listening,


    PS. Good luck to any of those who are suffering from POTS. May every day be a good one.

  4. Hey Lisa,

    My name is Kat and I have just been recently diagnosed with POTS. I am only 20 and had to abruptly drop out of my college classes to treat this horribly debilitating disease. I noticed that you are a senior in highschool and around my age and was wondering if you could give some advice on how you live day to day (and especially go to class)? I had an attack in class and immediately started hyperventilating and causing a scene, so I decided that the only resolution would be for me to drop out of my classes. I had extreme plans for my future and this syndrome is totally putting a dent in my life. My first attack was about 1 1/2 months ago, very spontaneous. I was wondering if you or anyone else on this forum could possibly give some assurance on how long this will last or if it ever goes away. I was thinking since it came on so suddenly that it will alleviate itself in some spontaneous manner as well. Any answers? Also, Ive read that alot of younger men and women (especially women) suddenly undergo symptoms related to POTS and ultimately are diagnosed with POTS. Is the increasing number of younger diagnosed persons with POTS related at all to drug use? Because, I will admit, that before my symptoms I was smoking weed several times a day. When smoking weed started causing arrythmia along with many other panic-like symptoms it became more discomforting rather than pleasurable... so I quit. Would weed or any other drugs trigger this syndrome? I realize this is alot to ask of a senior in highschool so I want to make it clear that I am addressing this to anyone who posts on this forum and anyone who suffers from POTS as well.

    Please Respond and Thanks for Listening,


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