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Posts posted by nancyd

  1. Hi,

    I have been taking Provigil for over a year now. I would commit a major crime if it were ever taken away from me. It has been a life saver for me, given the fact that I couldn't stay awake when driving or in public places (like meetings related to my work). I started out with half of a 200 mg. tab. The doctor said I could take 2 per day if needed to and I tried this but found that 2 gave me headaches. so I take only 1. I have no awareness that it's in my system, although I tend to be sensitive to many meds. As far as I know, it's not a type of med that is addictive, so you don't have to worry about that. If I miss a dose, I sense the feeling of overwhelming fatigue but don't crave it. Having worked in the medical field for quite a while, I have seen that physicians use it after someone has experienced a major illness or accident while they're going thru rehab. Hope this helps.


  2. Earthmother,

    I will have days that I don't experience the cold burning but it always returns. I hope you have better luck that I have had - maybe you're done with it now. Heating pads give some relief but we can't be wrapped up in one of those all the time. I firmly believe this is a body chemistry (cathecolamines???) problem. I'm having tons of palpitations and also pulsating tinnitus which could imply something. I wish I had a doctor that would know what tests to pursue or be motivated to do more research about this stuff. I'm kind of at the point where I say just accept it and move on, however, when I feel like I do today, I want an answer and some relief. Oh well, glad to hear you're doing better with the burn. nancy

  3. Earthmother,

    I keep myself in the background her most of the time but I had to come out a little bit to see if you are still having your icy burning cheeks. I could write a book about the icy cold burn which has been present in me for over 8 years now. It started on one side of my face and progressed from there to both sides. There are days that I have it in my chest and worse days, in my legs and arms. It is a very unpleasant, painful feeling. Today is one of those bad days and I felt compelled to touch bases with you. Other than myself, I have never heard or seen where someone had the symptoms of the icy burning feeling in their face. Of course, I have a host of other problems , but the icy cold burn is the worst and no one understands it. My doctor used to be more interested and originally thought it was autonomic neuropathy but I guess my autonomic testing revealed central nervous problems, not peripheral which neuropathy is. My doc has tried just about every med known to man with no success - I think she's taking the nut case direction with me as well. Did your icy burn go away yet? If so, do you know what caused it or did you get a script that helped with it? The only thing I know that makes mine go away is to fall asleep and hopefully, when I wake up in the morning, it will be gone until the next time.

    Feel free to drop me an email if you want to compare this nasty symptom. I completely understand what you're feeling.


  4. Susie,

    I have been going to MHNI for about 3 years. I see Dr. Prestegaard there. She is the first doc that I have seen that suspected an autonomic disorder. She sent me to University Hosp. in Cleveland to have testing by Dr. Chelimsky. I can give you more details if you'd like.

    I sent you an email with more info. Did you get it?


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