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Posts posted by sjprice23

  1. I have worked myself up in cardio for the last 6 months and have been able to do some HIIT routines. I started with just regular cardio, mostly on a treadmill (the only exercise equipment I had access to at the time...recumbant bike is so much better and I have one now finally!). Then I discovered two FREE FULL LENGTH exercise websites that I was able to do a lot of the LOW IMPACT cardio workouts (look for videos with no jumping type exercises or you will die!):




    After about 4/5 months of doing regular cardio for 4-6 days/week, I started adding in high intensity intervals on the treadmill (you can do this on the recumbant bike too obviously). Up the speed until you feel like your're heart rate is working at 80-85% for 20 second to 1-3 minute intervals (time interval depends on how you are feeling and what intensity/speed you put into it; i.e. the higher the intensity/the harder you work, the less time you're going to be able to hold on with good form).

    Lately I've been incorporating some of the shorter HIIT routines that the 2 websites above have, but I have to modify the exercises by never jumping, using a bit less intensity and usually doing them for less time ("rest" periods between the high intensity exercises are usually twice as long for me). Sometimes I even need to pause the video to slow down my heart far enough to do the next exercise. Some HIIT, some cardio, etc. is better than none, ya know? But, since our heart rates rise so much faster than the "average" person's, listening to YOUR heart is very important.

    As I have been learing these past 6 months I've been able to exercise regularly, doing Strength Training is very important to upping your metabolism by making more lean muscle, allowing your calorie burn to last longer afterwards. I've just started incorporating strength training into my weekly routine (not sure why I waited so long...always thought cardio was what made you lose weight the quickest, but it's just not true).

    All in all, short and sweet for HIIT is the key with the average person, but shorter and sweeter is key for us POTS people!

    P.S. I haven't lost lbs yet (just been maintaining on the scale), BUT I feel more energized, have lost inches around my mid-section, and just overall feel so much better about myself. The lbs will follow soon, I'm sure. :)

    P.P.S. If you want to know any specifics of my favorite exercise routines from these sites, I have a YouTube channel with some exercise videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/sjprice23sp/playlists (I haven't tested all the HIIT and Cardio in some of these playlists because I just added a bunch this past week.)

  2. when my heart rate is high (126) standing. And B/P is low 108/82.

    My diastolic is always high.

    I'm standing in the kitchen tonight realizing that I feel pretty good. Clear headed, not dizzy. I take my B/P & pulse, expecting it to be somewhat normal. But NO, it's not, and yet I feel fine!! This stuff is driving me crazy. It makes no sense.

    I'm playing doctor with myself since it's been 3 years and no one's been able to figure me out. This morning the ONLY med I took was my cymbalta. I've stopped everything else, but added back in adderall. I took 20mg. around 3:00. Felt pretty good shortly after that kicked in, and the rest of the night. Weird. Oh, wait I forgot I also took two aleve for back pain.


    The way it has been explained to me by my doctors is that I must have neurally-transmitted AND cardio-transmitted POTS. The Cymbalta would have helped your neurotransmitters while not affecting you BP/Heart Rate (cardio). I had to ask this same sort of question because WHY would the Lorazepam I take help take the dizziness and overall 'yucky' feeling away sometimes, but my heart is still racing like crazy! And that's because the Lorazepam helps one side of the story, but since it doesn't help the MAIN cause, nor does it ALWAYS take away the symptoms, other medications and lifestyle changes have to be in play as well.

    Does that make sense?

  3. I take Lorazepam 2x daily. It has been the ONLY medication that helps with the dizziness, and for awhile, the brainfog. It does not give any improvement to me for the gastrointestinal symptoms I have. BUT, for a good 6-months when I began using Lorazepam, I was able to drive when the medication was active in my system. Over time, however, that has changed (can't feel safe while driving), and that's, I believe, because my body got used to the dosage amount and no longer takes those extra steps to allow the actual "anxiety" I feel when driving to calm down, etc. And no doctor feels comfortable upping the dosage just so I can drive again...they'd all rather ween me off of it, but realize that is the only thing that keeps the dizziness at bay most of the time.

    Hope my experience helps a bit. :)



    Sorry that I have not been very active on the forum lately... things are not going very well. Just wondering if I can get some feedback and experience on this...

    Has anyone had any success (or failure) using any of the benzos (Valium, Klonopin, clonazepam, Ativan, etc.) to reduce nausea, decrease the frequency of bowel movements, and reduce intestinal cramping or the dizziness and other autnomic symptoms related to over-stimulation of the bowel?

    Thank you in advance. Hope everyone is hanging in there!

    ~ Broken_Shell

  4. Hello,

    I have been on Ativan (Lorazepam) for almost a year now, and we've had to up the dosage once the weather became hotter (WI). It is the only medication that has given me any relief, but it is only relief from the dizziness...my HR is still really high, fatigued, etc. etc., but the benzodiazepams somehow "trick" your brain into thinking none of that is there just so the dizziness isn't as severe.

    This medication was only tried on me after EVERY cardiac medication was tried and they all either made me worse, I was allergic, or just didn't do a darn thing to change my HR or symptoms.

    Diazepam (Valium) didn't help at all for me...the doc had hoped that switching back and forth between the two so my addiction and tolerance levels didn't sky-rocket, but valium just didn't trigger the same response in my brain as Lorazepam does.

    I don't like the fact that I have been on it for so long because of the addiction rate of it, however, if I can drive because of it, I am thankful for it.

    Hope this helps a little,


  5. I am very thin and have been for years!!! And I always, always get comments about it! So, I can definately relate to it with you! For me, it depends on who makes the comment and what they say whether I let it bother me or not. Usually, I end up making jokes about it right back with them until I can tell that they realize how USED to it I am and that they are not original by any means...I've heard it all.

    If it's someone I know, for example, my boyfriend's father, I had enough of hearing about it from him, so I took the time to explain to him exactly why it is VERY difficult for me to gain weight, let alone hang onto the little bit of weight I have, with great conviction, and he's left me alone ever since.

    Hang in there!


  6. Hi Desiree,

    I was taking Zoloft for a good six months (can't afford it anymore) with my Lorazepam and it definately had an added relief with the POTS symptoms. If I could afford it (no health insurance right now), I would definately still be taking it. However, no cardiac medicines helped in my situation, only made me worse, so that is why I had to resort to these kinds of meds.


  7. If any of you remember I posted over a week ago that I was going into the hospital to be monitored and then started on Norpace while in the hospital.

    Well, I was started on it, had no major side effects like my doc was afraid I would, but it did absolutely nothing for my numbers (bp or heart rate), nor for any of the symptoms.

    Then, I ended up being in the hospital three extra days for extra monitoring and nuerology consultation because my doc has no other cardiac meds she wants to try on me.

    So, basically, I got released tonight awaiting the call from my doc monday morning to see whether she wants to try me on any anti-anxiety med to at least lesson the adrenaline rushes/anxiety to slow my heart down at least a bit (what the nuerologist suggested). Otherwise, I am supposed to put on weight, which will take quite some time, and just deal with it, or go to other doctors...

    Glad to have the heart monitor off, showered, and home B)


  8. ya im making an appt with one tomrrow i wanna know if any of this is ear related i thinik its my right ear thats off i think its viral and thats how it all started

    ud think one of my doctors wouldve sent me to an ent by now!

    I've been to two different ENT's and that is one of the feelings/symptoms I get as well (it's really bad if I drive). But every test they ran was completely normal. And then they put me on medication, just to make sure ~ didn't help. And physical therapy for my inner ear, just in case ~ didn't help. So, I have no idea if it's separate from POTS, etc. because I still have no real relief by treatment/medication for any of my symptoms. :)

    Good luck finding out all your answers!


  9. I get this a lot too...describing it like you're going to have a seizure is what caught me. Do your eyes feel like they jump back and forth real quick sometimes as well? I don't know exactly what it is because it usually doesn't happen at the same time as a bad POTS episode. But I think I do know what you mean. This happens to me all the time...and same with me, all tests came back normal except the TTT. So, I'm thinking its just a part of this whole POTS thing, but I'm no doctor!

    You're not alone on this one though, that's for sure. :)


  10. My doctor is going to be putting me in the hospital for a couple of days to monitor my heart during symptomatic times (which won't be difficult because I'm symptomatic many, many times throughout each and every day), and then, depending on the results from that, she wants to start me on Norpace, but I will have to stay in the hospital another couple of days to be monitored on the drug.

    Has anyone ever had this type of experience or take/have taken Norpace?



  11. I spent a few hours in the ER yesterday from a bad allergic reaction to Visken, the newest med my POTS doc wanted me to try. I took the first dose (2.5mg) and not even an hour later I was about ready to pass out, my chest was hurting, my throat closing up, trouble breathing. Then by the time I got to the ER, my tongue had started swelling up/getting numb only on the left side, my left hand starting tingling, and my left foot toes were tingling and curling under! Definately not a good med for me!!!

    I'm better now after IV saline and IV benedryl, and the ER doc knew all about POTS and that I definately needed to be rehydrated, etc. So, it was a nice ER visit, and now we're on to drug five! :ph34r:


  12. Does anyone here know specific details about child support? Namely what income is usually used to take a percentage out of? Is it supposed to be a forty-hour work week, or is over-time supposed to be added in? I know it depends somewhat where you live, but any info, or any links would help. Thank you.

  13. I am by no means an expert, or a doctor, the pattern seems to be that pots can lead into other things being wrong health/mentally/emotionally wrong with patients. Anytime you have to change your lifestyle, put all different kinds of meds into your system over a period of time, other things can start to go wrong, I would imagine. Other times, it seems as if pots was discovered "first," then they can sometimes find things that are an underlying cause of getting pots, but that might not be as common. I've only been diagnosed for a couple of months and all of a sudden, all my docs are saying I have this, or that, lets test you for this or that, or taking this medication will cause this or that, so we need to treat you for that as well, and I was in almost perfect health condition before getting symptoms of this.

    Like I said though, I am not an expert on the topic by all means, this is just what I've observed. :P


  14. Hey Quite_Spike,

    Does she know enough about why you are sick/what you are sick with? If yes, then you could just let her know that you took a turn for the worse today/since last night, and can barely get off the couch for anything today. And that if you did go out, you risk fainting while driving, etc. Obviously, honesty is the best policy, and it sounds as if she has some understanding of your illness to be able to understand why you cannot drive her anywhere today.

    You'll think of the right way to tell her, I'm sure of it, but I wanted you to know that we understand (more than just me, I'm sure) about dilemmas we put ourselves into just to be genuinely nice and then we get sick from doing it...so many of us are not strangers to that at all, as you know.

    Good Luck,


  15. Hey you!

    Glad to hear you've gained weight as I too have been trying on and off for about ten years now, and when I was tired of trying, I would suffice with just not losing any that I had since it was so difficult to gain. I've reached a point (that age, I don't know) where the wieght seems to stay on (I would have to work at losing it)...Thank goodness! So, at least now, I'm not as scared if I'm having a bad few days, not wanting to eat anything...because the weight seems to be stuck! I'm still working on gaining though.

    115lbs would be ideal for me as well (106lbs steady now!), but 120lbs would be better!


    P.S. I'll send you a pm soon, I promise!

  16. The head and eye movements that make you dizzy sounds like benign positional vertigo (something like that!) it's easily cured.

    It does sound like this, but just to add, I have very similar symptoms as well, but they have done everything to treat me for this from inner-ear dizziness medication to at home exercises for BPPV to the Epley manuever, to the Epley manuever six times within two weeks (thinking maybe since I was young, I had a lot more "crystals" than most to get put back in my inner-ear), to the Epley manuever three times a week along with doing it at home every day with assistance by my boyfriend whom the physical therapist trained to do it, and NONE OF IT helped!

    So, I am still trying to figure it out...I don't remember which site I read this on, but I have read on a couple occassions that with POTS, a patient can experience "vertigo" on a regular basis (like that with BPPV), as well as get "dizziness" while lying down: both of these are true for me, so I've put on hold trying to treat this type of symptom and am focusing on the fainting/near-fainting and accompanying symptoms I get for now.



  17. My boyfriend, starting today, is going to be out of town for the next 4 months with very little hope to be home during the holidays :) and I am so sad already!

    He has been my rock, my kickstand, my encouragement for this last year of getting sick, not being able to drive or work, now all I am going to be able to have with him is phone conversations. :D

    I don't know if anyone has ever been in love so much that no matter how difficult things are or how sick or sad you feel, being in their arms even for five minutes each day just makes everything that much better, but that's how I feel. I thought I had been in love in the past, but until I met this guy, I don't know, I have never felt this way, ever! And to have him recipricate it in a way I never thought a "manly" man could do, is just so amazing and makes me feel as if, no matter how sick I am, I'd never, ever be hurt by him, ever!

    So because I have that, which I feel like the luckiest girl in the world to have him, I don't think I've ever cried as much as I have today, especially because of love and longing. It's amazing to know that I feel those feelings so powerfully, it makes me want to fight being sick and just fight through life in general, but that's what makes is so hard not to have that touch, that comfort for the next 4 months~ and it has to be through the holidays too doesn't it!?! :(

    I cannot wait until February 25th when he will be home again!


  18. or milk rings from top of milk jugs.

    Everything you said in your post Sophia is all VERY good advice...you like animals, I can tell! :D

    I just wanted to add a small note that this part that I quoted from you in particular saved the younger of my two cats! There is at least 10 of those darn rings floating around the house at one time!!! Every time the house gets cleaned, vacuumed with moving couches and beds, etc. around, we find the stash!!! And every time we open a new carton/jug of milk, he is right there waiting for that new ring to add to his collection! :lol:

    Cats are so strange! B)

    But otherwise, Wareagle, that is all good advice that Sophia gave you. I am willing to bet that the cat will use the litterbox soon, as long as you keep him inside ~ the howling will be quite annoying I know, I've been there, but if he's inside, he'll need to use it sooner or later. Make sure he has a lot water at all times because normally when they start to feel constipated because they haven't gone for a while, it helps them to drink a lot of water to get everything worked through their system. Just double check all the time that he is not going to the bathroom in your home other than the litter box, because THAT is harder to break!

    Good luck!

  19. I have been recieving food stamps for a little while now since I have been out from work on medical leave, but I went back to work for a whole 6 and 1/2 days shortly after getting diagnosed to see if, now knowing what triggers the attacks better, I would be able to handle and adjust accordingly at work. But after struggling through every day I was there (and they weren't consecutive days), I wasn't able to handle it, i.e. my production went from, on average, being in the top 5 of about 200 employees, down to the bottom ~ the symptoms and near fainting episodes were controlling my day.

    So, after letting the social worker for the food stamps know that I was back to work, I let her know immediately that I was out on medical leave again and receiving less pay than before (I had short-term disability when I first signed up for food stamps) and that I would send her my check stubs at the end of September in order to get food stamps around the 9th of October (the normal time I get them each month).

    Okay, so after two months now of communicating via me leaving messages for her and then her sending me a letter in the mail to respond to my messages instead of calling me back (who does that?!?), going back and forth with me that the check stubs will be fine if they show what I earned the entire month of september (which they do, obviously) to get food stamps for the month of october, then I would just have to get a statement from my employer that I am not working and if I continued not working, I would only be receiving such and such money (not much at all) of vacation time until the end of the year.

    Then, I get a letter about a week after that saying that she needs the letter in order for me to get food stamps for october, the check stubs will not be good enough. What?!? I know they would be good enough, what more proof do you need than a larger company's payroll checkstubs for an employee stating exactly what was made in the previous month?!? After I received that last letter, I called her, left her two messages (used up all the time on the first message and had to call her back to leave another one) telling her that they are good enough, but I will still be sending the letter ASAP to verify for the next coming months! I politely explained, with my voice cracking, near tears that I am sick and tired of her not calling me back when I have questions for her and getting a response three-four days later in the mail(!), and that I have a real health problem that I need certain foods and beverages (gaterade) that I cannot afford most of the time because, duh!, I'm not working and that I can't just go to the food pantry because they load you up on carbohydrates and dairy...I cannot eat a lot of either of those!

    Needless to say, she called me back within that business day, told me she still needed the letter from my employer, etc. But then, a week later, yesterday, I get a message on my voicemail that the checkstubs are good enough and that my food stamps will be on my card tomorrow! (today!!!~and they are!!! Finally!!!)

    Sorry for this, just another struggle to get what we need~not what we want, what we need!!!


  20. Okay, after reading all of these great responses and talking to my doctors over the past couple of days, I have figured out that it will be quite some time before I can drive again because they cannot seem to get my symptoms under control. I get too many side effects from medications, so all my docs want me to go through psyco-therapy to try to get some of it under control. And of course, I am going to give it a whirl, but I have always been very stubborn when it comes to any sort of therapy that is not just talking, etc.

    And they want me to try getting my heart as healthy as possible right now, i.e. quitting smoking, which I have been cutting back on since I found out I was sick, but now it is time to quit...they had told me from the beginning not to just quit cold turkey, and not to use any sort of nicotine patch, gum or drug, etc. So, now that the weather is cold here in WI, it's time to quit and get out walking. It's cold!!!!! And only gonna get colder!!!! I will definately be quitting smoking, I was planning on it within the week here anyways, but walking outside, in the cold, cold, yikes! This will be fun!!! :huh:

    So, they figure it will at least be through the winter that I am not going to be "allowed" to drive...which is fine...my car needs new tires before the snow hits that I really cannot afford right now. B) So, if I can't drive, I don't have to get the tires until next year!

  21. Hey India,

    I don't have much to say about how to help you with this, as I am dealing with and have been dealing with this type of symptom for most of the time I have been sick ~ the nature of the short episodes of dizziness is why so many docs have thought I have had vertigo...also because I was confusing the "type" of dizziness I was getting. I as well for sure get the regular dizziness episodes of feeling like I am going to faint, with all the "normal" pots/tachycardia episodes. But as you're describing, I get these short "spins" as well.

    I'm thinking they are apart of the disorder because they have treated me and checked for just about everything else when it comes to dizziness: inner ear problems, vertigo, positional vertigo, the list goes on and on. But nothing of any treatments for these have helped one single bit and each time I'd get treated for something, I kept getting told that they should help~if I had any of those problems/conditions...as I said already: None of it helped even in the slightest.

    I can completely relate to the fear of not being able to work anymore because of getting these transitory episodes of dizziness. It is a very constant thing with me ~ I get them every day, many times throughout the day, and when I was working, these sort of episodes is what made it next to impossible for me to continue working, more so than the "big" episodes.

    Again, I don't know what to tell you about how much they'll progress for you, what to really do about them, etc. etc. because I have no idea other than they seem to be apart of this disorder, and my specialist agrees with me, that it happens quite frequently to many people with this.

    And finally, you are not alone, I can relate to the need to have to work, etc. I worked as long as I possibly could when the transitory type of dizziness got worse, then I started getting them while driving on a frequent basis, and they completely screwed up my concentration at work (not to mention the fatigue that set in) to the point where I couldn't get them to stop and I'd constantly have to go home early from work and I would walk out in front of forklifts (worked in a factory) on a regular basis, too dangerous for me ~ I want to live!!! Not get crushed by a forklift! So, after a long while struggling with it, I decided that I just can't do it, at least what I was doing, but am now currently trying everyday to figure out another way to bring in some income (applying for SSI, looking into other lines of work, starting an online degree for something stimulating like web developmnet), keeping my mind sharp (writing, and educating myself, i.e. reading/researching, etc. in moderation to my physical abilities, at my own pace at home) to make it through this rough patch until I work my way into something else that will be satisfying and bring in some income.

    Just keep fighting, don't stop trying and looking, and, not that I want to say this, maybe get yourself ready to having to stop working, at least doing what your doing, just in case, and I stress, just in case(so the blow to your emotions, etc. aren't as severe) :)

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