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Posts posted by gklang99

  1. Thanks for your imput. My son is in college now, and he really seem to crash once a week, sleeping 12 to 15 hours on Sat night through Sun afternoon. Since I have POTS also, I have been using Flexeril at bedtime for years and it has helped greatly, but it is not designed for long term use. I'm hesitant to encourage the doctor to use it on him.

  2. In myself, it seems to be a cumulative effect. I had very low BP during my first 2 pregnancies, then had mono, then had a bad fall flat on my bottom which herniated 4 discs in my neck. Shortly after my fall the HR issues began, and 14 years later, I can say it has progressively gotten worse. I think without all those other problems, I would not be as bad. My 19 yo son has flare ups of tachycardia at times when he is tired and the usually IBS an sleep disorders. I am hoping that his will not progress as mine has.

  3. I'm new to this site and just read your post. You may have gone through all you testing by now, but I thought I would pass this info on to you anyway. :huh: My 19 yr son and I both have dysautonomia and GI problems. My son had very severe irritable bowel syndrome when he was 15. Went through all tests to find nothing. The worst part is the prep, and he threw most of it up! (sorry to be so graffic!) These preps work by drawing fluid into the bowel and will lower your blood volume which will aggravate POTS. Also, with IBS, this assalt on the bowel causes spasms and the fluid doesn't pass. There are other bowel preps than taking Colyte or mag citrate such as clear liquids for 4 days before and an enema the day of the procedure. Encourage the doctors to choose this less aggresive method so it is easier on you.

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