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Peem Lorvidhaya, MD

Address Contact Medical Info
  • Address 9350 Cosner Drive,
  • Specialty Electrophysiology
  • Hospital
Medical Info
  • Illnesses Treated Dysautonomia, POTS, Autonomic Dysfunction
  • Treatment Plans cardioneuroablation program for dysautonomia
  • Autonomic Lab Tests Tilt Table Testing
  • Other Lab Tests 24 hour Holter Monitor, 30 day Arrhythmia Monitor, Cardiac Stress Tests, Advanced Electrophysiology
  • I have a sizable panel of patients with dysautonomia and have always been interested in advancing the field. I most recently started a cardioneuroablation program for specific types of dysautonomia patients and thus far have been very impressed with the results.

    Contact me through our website form: https://www.fredcardio.com/our-office/contact-us/

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