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Swimming / Aqua Therapy ?

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Has anyone tried swimming and/or aqua therapy? And have you had any successes with it? (Or exacerbations?)

I'm at my wit's end thinking of anything *else* that I could perhaps try to make me feel/get better. I have dysautonomia and, among other things, apparently TOS (thoracic outlet syndrome) and/or neuropathy exacerbated at compression points. Because of my pretty severe inability to tolerate exercise and any PT (due to the dysautonomia, hypermobility, and prior sports injuries), my physical therapist suggest aqua therapy (due to the hydrostatic pressure potentially easing the dysautonomia in the water and the general goodness of water exercises for the joints and back).

I was in an outdoor pool a couple of weeks ago for the first time since all my issues began, and I definitely did feel better in the water and was able to swim a bit... But when I got out, I immediately had a massive headache and (I guess) neuropathy type pains in my legs and feet. Gravity again? But, like I said, I was able to do *something* in the form of exercise in the water... Then I tried to repeat this in an indoor pool (which had a hotter water temperature), and I didn't feel so great... I made myself try to swim, but I was so dizzy and nauseous, I was worried I might pass out in the pool. Can anyone relate to this? Offer any advice? I'm a little worried that I might have the capacity to exercise a bit in the pool, but the *after* effects are going to be too severe and maybe make me worse. 

Any experience with this?

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8 hours ago, supertired said:

Any experience with this?

Years ago when I had daily access to an outdoor pool I was able to build up swimming from 1 minute to 20 minutes but I did it VERY slowly--like, though I went in the pool every day, I only added a minute a week to my swimming. We are all different but immersion in cool water does give you the advantage of compression. 

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About 15 to 18 years ago my Son#2  had POTS/NCS and the Doctor suggested he try some swimming.  So being in his first year at College he had access to the pool.  He began daily swimming in the early AM prior to his classes and it was extremely helpful.  The doctor suggested he have someone with him when swimming and at College that was not a problem.  Overall it was very helpful.


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When I had hydrotherapy sessions I used my pulse oximeter in the pool (I kept it well out of the water!) Standing in the pool gave me a pulse rate barely higher than lying down. For me this really helped as could exercise vertically without having a problematic heart rate.

Unfortunately due to my physiotherapist moving I couldn't continue but the local hydrotherapy pool is almost back in service so I hope to restart soon.

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