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New syncope aura?

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I have had POTS since my teenage years. I was Officially diagnosed until 2009. Every fainting spell has always had the same signs and systems in an exact order. So dizziness,  nausa, heat in stomach that moves up my body. Massive sweating and then fainting.  I've always had time to get to a safe place.  Yesterday for the first time ever it was different.  I didn't understand my symptoms until after passing out. This one started with horrible pain in the upper stomach/gallbladder area. ( i no love have my gallbladder) it was intense pain that i first though was indigestion.  It then got to where it was making it hard for me to breath. Then every muscle in my back got so tight and ridget that i had to sit down. Thats all i remember.  I had apparently got up to go to the restroom to splash my face. As soon as i took 2 steps i fell. None of my normal signs. What I'm concerned about is the amount of pain i felt. It felt like i was having a heart attack. I just did my yearly cardio tests in December and everything was normal. Has anyone else had their auras change? Had anyone ever had a syncope spell like this one? Yes i will be following up with my Dr tomorrow,  i was just trying to see if anyone else has had this

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