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Random pains in extremities/legs/face?


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I often get these random, very short duration pains in various parts of my body-- often my fingers, but sometimes I also get soreness-type pain in my face or legs. They don't really go away when I lie down, but I feel like they are worse in the evening. They're not very painful but feel worrying-- is it a POTS thing? Could this be something like fibromyalgia or small fiber neuropathy?

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Hi @lamp_girl This happens to me. And mostly on the right side. Exactly like you say, face  (including teeth! Dentist did x-rays and says my teeth are perfect), hands, legs. Sometimes neck. It seems to flare up when I am sick (like have colds or whatever).  I have had nerve conduction tests done and they came back normal. I don't worry about it too much, it seems to come and go and just be one of the various annoying symptoms of dysautonomia. I wonder if inflammation has something to do with it since I get mine when I am sick? Have you had any testing done?

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I haven't! I wonder if it could be some electrolyte-type issues? I also had restless leg issues/muscle cramps for a while that went away when I took iron supplements-- maybe you should try that and let me know if any of your issues go away? Sometimes I have extremity pain that also gets better with warmth, so I wonder if part of the pain is circulation issues.

It's encouraging to know that other people have this too. How long has this been going on for you? Let me know if you ever figure out what it is!

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@lamp_girl Two years...it was one of my first symptoms. But I can go for a really long time not feeling any of it and then it will flare up again. I haven't tried any supplements because I'm too scared to be honest. So many people seem to be reacting badly to various things on here so I'm cautious... I also get restless legs at night sometimes. It also comes and goes.

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