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Hi I'm a 28 year old female and I've always had minor symptoms, just annoying and I thought they were all normal things. I've had anxiety most my life, heart palpitations since mid teens. 

Ill skip to when I started to really notice something was off. I gave birth to my second son in march 2017 and had what I assumed was really bad postpartum depression, except my fatigue hasn't lifted. In may of this year I decided to ask my doctor and she took my blood, which came back normal. I thought maybe it was my thyroid because I was constantly hot and sweating. I have to keep my house cold most of the time because as soon as I get hot I sweat, feel nauseated, and irritated. 

A few return visits for fatigue and various sinus infections later I go back for a visit because I began randomly experiencing dizziness at work. It happened to coincide with a cold, so it was dismissed at the time. She did a short positional test to see if it was some kind of vertigo condition( it has a very long name that I can't remember lol) and it came out fine. However, tired of feeling worn out and miserable, I was determined to have something done. My pulse was 100 as I was sitting there, not concerning at all, But My doctor ordered a holter monitor for 48 hrs. My results were normal of course. I made another appointment (for the end of this month) and in just going to unload all my symptoms on her and not worry about looking like a hypochondriac.

At present time I still experience dizziness. I've been dealing with brain fog, fatigue, a tmj flare up, and lots of pain in my shoulders and back. I've also been dealing with weakness in my shoulders, arms, and wrists I think. I was going through shirts at the store yesterday and couldn't hardly hold my arms up and out to look through them. After I put them down I felt lightheaded and nauseated, almost kinda panicky except it was only the physical aspect of panic, not the mental/emotional.


I have no idea what is really happening. I mean i only found out recently that what I thought was just normal stuff is actually not normal.


Thanks for reading this long post. We will see how everything goes from here, I guess!

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I know that feeling of "normal" things not actually normal. I am finding more and more things these past few years.

Try a Poor Man's Tilt Table Test at home. Record your data and bring it in. I had to do mine every day for a month to show my doctor and finally was on my way to my POTS diagnosis. It took a year and a half of being sick for me to find the reason. Then about 2 months after my poor man's data to get diagnosed. 

Have you ever noticed you are more flexible? Such as being able to touch hands behind your back when you put one arm over the shoulder and one from your hip? Sorry it is a poor explanation but that is the only way I can describe it. 

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4 hours ago, MomtoGiuliana said:

Does increasing fluids help you to feel better?  Have you checked your hr and bp sitting and standing to see if there is much of a change?

I have been very conscious of upping my water intake and I definitely feel like it has made some improvement in the dizziness. I havent had a chance to check bp but I did check hr and it registered as normal. I plan on checking again and checking bp before seeing my gp at the end of the month. I go in for bloods tomorrow so maybe there will be some answers in those results.


38 minutes ago, StayAtHomeMom said:

I know that feeling of "normal" things not actually normal. I am finding more and more things these past few years.

Try a Poor Man's Tilt Table Test at home. Record your data and bring it in. I had to do mine every day for a month to show my doctor and finally was on my way to my POTS diagnosis. It took a year and a half of being sick for me to find the reason. Then about 2 months after my poor man's data to get diagnosed. 

Have you ever noticed you are more flexible? Such as being able to touch hands behind your back when you put one arm over the shoulder and one from your hip? Sorry it is a poor explanation but that is the only way I can describe it. 

what exactly is a poor mans tilt table test? That's insane that it took so long, that must have been awful :(


I don't think I've ever noticed being overly flexible. Ive never actually done anything to test it though haha.

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10 hours ago, Donut said:

what exactly is a poor mans tilt table test? That's insane that it took so long, that must have been awful :(


I don't think I've ever noticed being overly flexible. Ive never actually done anything to test it though haha.

A poor man's tilt table is where you take a blood pressure machine and take you BP and HR laying down then slowly stand up and take it again right away, after 5 minutes, and after 10 minutes. Classic sign of POTS is little change in BP but HR change of 30+ or higher than 120. 

I never thought I was hyperflexible until a chiropractor mentioned it about my youngest son. Turns out both my boys got it from me :D I suspect EDS because of it but I am trying to get my underlying diagnosised and hoping it isn't that. 

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