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Madafinil questions


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Hi.  I've searched the archives on this but have a few questions I didn't see answered there and am hoping those of you who have tried this can help.  I took my first dose last Friday and it certainly gave me more energy but I took a whole pill which was very intense.  I've taken half pills a couple of other days and I get a lot more energy for a few hours but then crash pretty hard by mid-afternoon.  Does anyone take it more than once per day?  It's disrupted my sleep a bit, I wake early and with a half pill I can get back to a fitful sleep for a few hours.  Does this wear off?  I'm not taking it everyday because I have read it loses effectiveness.  Any help will be appreciated.

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I used to take modafonil(SIC) for years but only half a pill and only on work days. But then I started to crash hard by 4pm and would get the worst headache so I stopped taking it. This was around the time I started with symptoms of  dysautonomia, so I never  went back to it. Sorry I couldn't help more

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