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Diagnosed and confused


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I had been told I had POTS and did my TTT today. It showed during my tilt test that my blood pressure and heart rate dropped, which I was told does not happens to those with POTS. Also, during one of my breathing tests, I did not recover as fast as they would have liked.

Does anyone know what mild adrenergic dysfunction with cardiovagal function with orthostatic hypotension means? I'm totally confused now.

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I have Neurally Mediated Hypotension, which I believe is just another name for orthostatic hypotenstion (I've gotten mixed messages about that). But it's essentially just a different form of dysautonomia, instead of POTS. Dysautonomia can show up in so many different forms, POTS is just the most common one. But they're pretty much all sub-categories of the overarching dysautonomia label. 
My heart rate goes up on TTT by at least 60bpm, but I was never diagnosed with POTS because my blood pressure drops so significantly that the doctor said the increased heart rate is just a natural response to the blood pressure and not a POTS symptom. It's only POTS if your heart rate increases and your BP stays relatively the same. Although, some doctors disagree on this as well. My heart rate can also drop significantly, especially if I bend over and then straighten up. 

So basically, OH is dysautonomia, just not POTS. It's a rarer form of dysautonomia. 

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Thank you! It all gets so confusing. At least POTS is all over the internet and easy to research. This is a little more difficult to understand, but I understand dysautonomia and the similarities this has to POTS. They said it's most likely hereditary.

My bp and heart rate dropped very low during my test.

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