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It was mentioned by my doctor I saw after my thyroidectomy that I had MVP and Dysautomia. He really didn’t do anything aside from telling me that so I went about ten years just not worrying with it. 

Now it has reared its hideous head and my doctor seems to think that this is indeed my problem. My bp is pretty low, it’s always been low but my diastolic pressure in the low 50’s in not cutting it, I feel like death from the fatigue. My echo was normal for everything. I’m on metoprolol now but can you  have a normal echo and truly have  dysautonomia?

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Welcome Paige_B

Yes, I've had normal echos (all 15-20 of them were normal other than a bit of mitral valve prolapse that sometimes shows and sometimes doesn't) despite having what feels like every cardiac electrical issue there is. You can have a healthy heart with Dysautonomia (no enlargement, scaring, etc.) it's the signals from your nervous system that get all screwed up and that isn't visible on an echo. 

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Dysautonomia is not a heart condition, despite often being treated by a cardiologist. It can occur along with heart conditions, or your heart can be perfectly healthy and your dysautonomia can be caused by something else. 

My doctor always stresses that it's important to remember that most forms of dysautonomia are NOT a diagnosis, but essentially a symptom/set of symptoms and are almost always caused by something else, which would be the true diagnosis. And that something else could be so many things. I'm in the process of being tested for autoimmune diseases and other things to see what's causing mine. I'm told that it's only once everything has been ruled out that a doctor should decide dysautonomia is primary rather than secondary, and even then that usually just means "we have no idea what's causing it."

Having this explained to me made everything make a lot more sense. It's why dysautonomia is so complex and vague. 

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