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Strange New Symptoms


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I will try to explain this the best I can. I used to be fine laying in bed and felt pretty comfortable although I was having trouble with sleep that seems to come and go. When I go to lay down I feel like there is this weird movement going on inside my body. Along with tremors and shaking. It feels like I'm in a boat and I also get this rocking sensation. I feel the tremor in my back down through my arms and shaking going on.

I was also getting that heavy body sensation when laying down like dead weight.

It's happening when I sit to.

I'm pretty sure I have hyper pots but I was not diagnosed with it. But when I stand up my blood pressure goes high. It levels out throughout the day. I take a small dose of propranolol. I also experienced a hard heart beat feeling when I lay flat on my back.

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I feel the exact same way sometimes. Not always but I would describe it just like you did minus the hard heart beat. I have low pressure though. I have found that if I lay on my side it eases the sensation a bit. I wish I knew what it was.

I have just put it down to anxiety. Its probably not but if I tell myself that it helps me not to worry about it as much.

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I had to stop all my meds on Thursday because we're repeating my ttt tomorrow. I hadn't had this feeling in a couple years but I've had it for a few days now. It's like the heebie geebies inside my chest. I find it lessens when I lay on my left side which is something many people have talked about in past threads (feeling better laying on left side.)

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I feel it all the time! I thought I was crazy and the only one! I get it when I'm sitting at my desk for long periods during work, as well as in bed at night. I definitely find that I feel better in bed lying on my side, for whatever reason. It's almost like a vertigo feeling combined with a pre-syncope type feeling. NOT FUN! Sorry you're feeling rough :/

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I didn't find anything in particular that made it go away other than avoidance and not pushing my body too far physically during any given day. Typically if I lay down and my head is below my body at all, even just like an inch I can get that vertigo feeling so typically if I'm laying down I sort of prop myself up, I also have migraine associated vertigo which just comes and goes on its own accord; it can be quite strange, sometimes it feels like the floor is moving under my feet or sudden "drop" feelings when standing, but haven't found anything that helps those episodes.

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