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Anyone Try Neurofeedback? Here's How It Is For Me So Far


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Has anyone on here ever tried neurofeedback therapy in order to try and treat some of their POTS symptoms? I'm interested to see how it helps (if it does).

I have been doing NeurOptimal neurofeedback for the past month or so, and have completed about 10 sessions so far. During the sessions and for several hours afterwards, I feel much better. I feel less fatigue, more energy, more awake/aware, calm, can think more clearly, and my brain feels as if it's functioning much better than normal. In terms of long term/permanent effects, the most prominent ones have been better sleep (less insomnia and more refreshing sleep) and also speaking/thinking a little more clearly. Anything else that I've noticed could just be the placebo effect, but I also seem to feel more energy and less anxiety in general.

According to the people who make NeurOptimal, the effects that you feel during the sessions should eventually become permanent and life-lasting after enough sessions. If that's the case (I'd say I feel more like that than I did before I started but not significantly) then it's definitely worth it for me.

I will keep you all posted with how it all works out for me after future sessions.

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I did neurofeedback as part of a study regarding sleep quality in EDS patients. It did help my sleep quality. Then, something came along and screwed up my sleep again so the positive effects have worn off. But, I would do it again if I had the accessibility and the finances to do it. It helped me and it was noninvasive and not a drug.

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