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Weaning Off Propanolol/ Midodrine


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Has anyone weaned from either drug? I lowered my dose right down to once a day and then stopped. For 4 weeks I felt no different and was managing brilliantly without medication. Suddenly I woke up one day with horrendous shakes, headache, feeling like I was having a type of seizure. I know it wasn't a brain seizure but it felt like the autonomic storms I experienced at my onset.

I've gone back on my drugs as the fear took hold of me but, 6 days in, there's no improvement. Could this be a relapse or should I assume that even after being drug free for 4 weeks that the lack of medication meant my body gave out? My doctor is useless on POTs so there's no point seeing her!

I'd be grateful to hear anyone's opinions or experiences.

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Hi Noonoo. I had to cold turkey off of metaprolol and I didn't experience anything from it. But I may not be the best example as I have strange reactions to drugs. Not severe necessarily, but strange.

If you continue to have these symptoms, I do encourage you to see a doctor, as seizures can be dangerous and cause permanent damage.

Keep us posted as to how you're doing! Sending positive thoughts your way.


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I dropped propranolol with no effects in mid-November to prepare for a tilt table test (TTT) a few weeks later in December. I haven't started it again. I tried to stop the midodrine a few days prior to the test, and was good for a couple of days, but had to resume it again. I wonder if you have any sensitivity to seasonal allergies. For me, the season has begun early and a lot of symptoms I'd normally attribute to POTS have popped up the last couple of weeks along with allergy symptoms (terrible, surging adrenaline). It's a long shot and I don't know where you live, but you said that despite the medication, you were having dramatic symptoms. In any case, I recommend seeing your doctor as soon as possible. Wishing you the best.

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