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Best Form To Take The Supplements


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I will not be able to get any guidance from my GP about the following supplements but it would be interesting to know what form and quantity people take the following:

Liquorice root



What form/type, quantity etc. I am looking to source these on the internet and want to buy in the UK.

Many thanks

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I've been reading a lot of nutrition books and have decided to try not to use supplements, but to try and get these things in my diet. I'm eating platefuls of vegetables and juicing. Sodium is present in many foods, I haven't got around to researching the ones it is most prevalent in, I know one is celery (I've never really liked it but am eating it and juidng it). I add quite a lot of salt to my food (makes the vegetables more papatable), but I'm going to try cutting it down to see if it makes a difference. I had been adding loads and loads to my food, then had a blood test which showed I was low in sodium. I think this is because I was drinking so much water - I decided that simply adding salt to my diet may not actually be achieving anything apart from making me very thirsty. I've also bought Himalayan bath salts, I read that bathing in epsom salts increases your level of magnesium in your tissues by 30%. I have bought a sports electrolyte supplement called Gu which I used to use a lot, don't know if it helped. I'm also in the UK. And also have no guidance from anyone.

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Thanks for your input. I also juice and have a mainly veg diet, although because of IBS issues and surgery on my bowel, I have some restrictions on eating some foods. Sometimes my appetite and thirst can be very poor and so I think for me supplementation is vital. I don't always think the meds I take help as my digestion can be poor at times, but I hope vits and mins can offset any problems. I do have problems with drinking enough.

I have been adding salt to food but don't tolerate it that well and I've been trying to source decent tablets. I'm not prescribed Midodrine or Florinef, so I'm hoping taking the supplements will help. I also take a magnesium supplement and there is much debate whether to take a citrate, malate or oxide and what dosage is best. I use a magnesium mineral oil spray on the soles of my feet and on cramping muscles and occasionally have Epsom Salt baths.

I hope you can get all you need from your diet. I have tried as I can and would rather go down the more natural supplement route than the drug one.

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For salt, try the Thermotabs. This is a buffered salt tablet and it's easier on the stomach. My son uses magnesium citrate. I buy this product from Puritan Pride. It comes in`100mg capsules, so it's easier to regulate his dosage dosage. Start low and build up to what your body can handle. Both of these products can be ordered online.

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Thank you. I have just sent for some salt tablets from the US, the same make, too. Thanks for the advice I will start low with the magnesium. I have been taking some off and on but wondered which one was best to take. Many thanks indeed

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