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Rhr Higher After Starting Meds Fluid/salt Loading


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I am new to the forum and to POTs. At least at this point that is what the local EP is thinking. I have had a TTT and the tech said borderline POTs.

I'm not sure what to think. During the tilt table test, lying down my HR was low 70's, bp normal, standing position it jumped all over the place low 100s to 120. I had had 3 tachycardia events, 2 while lying down and 1 while cooking in a hot kitchen that preceded the investigation for problems. An echocardiogram showed good with a strong heart. The 3 events were over 12 weeks ago and I haven't had any others, the testing and doctors make me nervous so I have had anxiety attacks while at appts but they don't feel the same as those tachy events did.

I've tried Toprol xl, side effects were horrible, florinef and pindolol at the same time and couldn't tolerate. Then I started the high fluid/high salt, the doc wanted me to start Cardizem 120 but it was over the holidays and after the effects of the other three drugs I wanted to be able to contact him if it went badly.

I woke up the day after Christmas, lying down pulse was low 70's bp normal but then I had an all over body flush, my feet and hands went numb and tingly then they started cold sweating profusely and legs started cramping. Called EP he agreed to admit to run some tests, he felt I was low on potassium, I was but only a little, like 5.3, all tests he ran looked good.

While in the hospital I was on constant fluid and started Cardizem 120, lying down my heart rate was mid 60's-low 70s standing and walking the highest it got was like 87. I thought it was the Cardizem. Now I wonder if it was the constant fluid.

First day out of hospital, I woke up and my heart rate was 120 lying down. And I've now upped the Cardizem to 240 but still my RHR starts high in the morning(90s - low 100s) and by night gets to maybe high 70s, low 80s. This wasn't a problem before the Cardizem, my resting heart rate has always been fairly good. Is this part of the POTs?

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Oops I'm sorry, normal ref range(although it can vary by lab) is 3.5-5.2 and mine was 3.4, the doc said that wasn't really that low but had told the nurse to give a supplement for anything below 3.8.

So now I take a px'ed potassium supplement. Along with weekly px'ed Vitamin D 50,00 units because my vitamin D level was 14. My son has Crohn's disease and in the management of it I learned that the Vitamin D3 with co-factors is supposed to be better than the vitamin D2, so as soon as I finish this px I'm switching to the D3.

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