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Weak, Cold Legs


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Hi all,

This may seem like an obvious question, but when you stand, how do your legs feel? Within a few minutes mine become very weak and strained, and they start to feel very cold from the thighs all the way down to the legs. If I stay on them then they just continue to get weaker and worse. They also appear very white/pale. It feels like the blood is not pooling in them but not getting or going to them, i.e. going somewhere else.

I was just wondering if this is common or normal in POTS/Dysautonomia? Like I said, this may be a fairly obvious or silly question, it just sometimes feels like there's something else going on - like the blood is going somewhere else or the weakness in my legs (and arms) is not solely based on the POTS.

Anyway, would love to hear other people's opinions! Thanks!

- Andy

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Mine feel very heavy and weak, also a bit wobbly/shaky, with time I feel like my knees won't lock in place and it's like my body is just ready for me to fall. My extremities almost feel like they are vibrating after a few minutes, but I go very pale from my face first, then my arms, & then it hits my hands which get sooooooo cold very very quickly. It doesn't happen to my legs though, just heaviness. I get most of my symptoms in the upper half of my body for some reason.

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