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Bp Spikes Or Hyper Pots?


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When I sit up or move or stand up my bp jumps from 120/80 say to like 145/87 or 150-160/100 on bad days.

BUT if I keep still it will go back to normal, or if I start walking it will go up a little but stop for a min it will come back down to normal?

I dont think its hyper pots as it would stay high right? I do have autonomic testing coming up.

Just wondered.

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I have hyper pots diagnosed by Mayoclinic in Rochester Minnesota. I believe they estimate about 5-10% of pots patients are hyper. They do not test during a tilt table test. I would imagine that the stress of a tilt table would increase any potsy person's adrenal hormones. For me the thought is the excess "fight or flight" hormones are a compensatory response.

I have high and low blood pressures. During my tilt table test my blood pressure spiked and then fell and at some point it stabilized somewhat. My heartrate increase was close to 100bpm. Let's just say I have a "robust" response from my good old adrenals. :D

I think it's unusual to have hyper pots without at least episodic high blood pressure simply because of the the effects norepinephrine has on the body.

My blood pressures do not stay high. It is normal for anyone's blood pressure to spike during activity so don't worry too much. Olympic weightlifters for example have extremely high blood pressures when lifting.

I hope that you are able to get some good answers.

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I should add the the hyper pots diagnosis is properly done with a blood draw. They stick you and have you lay down in a dark quiet room for 1/2 hour. Then they take a blood sample. I was permitted to walk about or sit in the waiting room for a few minutes. (I think it was 10 min). A second sample is taken.

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