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What Would They Do If......

Guest Hanice

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Guest Hanice

What would doctors do if betablockers, ativan, and other anti-anxiety meds don't work to lower my bpm? If I was to relapse again? Last time I was in the hospital, they tried all of the abovementioned and it didn't work. Im just kind of scared of something happening. If there is something you know that lowers hr please write it below.

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Have you looked into MCAS? Some of us have higher hr and higher bp's with this and treating it has helped to stabilize that part of POTS for some of us. We still have POTS and still have tachy and all the things that go along with it ---but, it's not as bad.

I've found that motherwort and blk. strap molasses help with tachy. I also have used clonidine for 2 months and that helped with liable bp. When I came off it - that drastic swinging didn't come back. Also, most of us with MCAS can't use beta blockers as it degrantulates the mast cells and will make us worse.

I'm finding a low fat vegan diet is helping me more than anything else I've tried. I'm having good improvements. There are threads on what I'm doing and my findings.


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My son has MCAS and doesn't have skin issues, nor does he flush. My son takes a beta blocker-propanonol(sp?) and it works for him. Everyone is different. Before I started him on it, I checked with his mast cell dr. and he said to give it a try, some people have issues and some don't.


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Hanice--it depends partly on what is causing your high heart rate. IV fluids have helped me, in the short term, with high heart rate. I don't know if that would work for you or not. Also a med like florinef which expands blood volume would work--if the cause of your fast heart rate is low blood volume.

This is not an exhaustive list but you might take a look at this if you have not:


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