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Does Decaf Coffee Make You Pay?


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Yesterday I had a craving for a Iced DECAF caramel macchiato from Starbucks. I gave in and got one (I gave up coffee a while ago because I felt like it was bothering me- even before I was diagnosed with dysautonomia).

But this morning I felt like death! My stomach has been a wreck and I feel off balance and "fainty" even though BP and HR are normal.

Does decaf do this to you? And can it actually affect you the next day? Like a delayed reaction??

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Hmm. Decaf coffee does affect me, but not like that. My body just responds to a tiny bit of caffeine the way most people would to chugging multiple cups of coffee. I've even had hot chocolate that sent me into a crazy caffeine buzz.

Did you feel anything right after you drank it? And maybe the next day was kind of a post-caffeine crash?

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I'm good with "regular"decaf coffee but decaf at Starbucks sends me reeling. I think their decaf is like any other coffee's regular. I also wonder if you might have severely spiked your sugar with the caramel macchiato and your having a sugar crash. Sometimes if I have a hypoglycemic crash it aggravates my pots and takes me a while (day or so) to recover. I obviously address the immediate issue with carbs and protein but it seems to set a process in motion that takes a bit of recovery.

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I avoid Starbucks because of gluten. It's really hard to find out what's actually in any of their drinks. They use soy milk with gluten in it and I couldn't get a clear answer about their flavorings.

I drink regular coffee at home when I feel I can tolerate it. Some people are really sensitive to caffeine. I'd be surprised if it would make you sick the next day.

Starbucks makes me sick but it's not the caffeine. If I have too much caffeine I feel it about 1/2 hour after drinking it.

Hope you're feeling a better now!

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Issie- not sure. For dinner I had a PB&J with a side of cottage cheese. Maybe that's the real culprit. Is dairy bad for people who have dysautonomia?

Some with autoimmune problems are finding that staying off dairy and gluten helps us. So you had dairy with your coffee, cottage cheese and probably wheat bread and some people react to peanuts. If there is a sensitivity and maybe not a true allergy (like what could happen with MCAS) this could be part of the problem. Plus there was probably a lot of sugar in the coffee and the jam. So, it could have been any of it. Sort it out one by one and see if you can sort what it was. Of course, if there is MCAS - you might react today and not tomorrow to the same thing.


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