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Autonomic And Neurovascular Visit This Week


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Hey guys,

So I have my appointment with Professor Mathias in London this week, at last someone who knows about all of this!

I just wanted to check with everyone to see if I have all the right questions ready!

Heres my symptoms list:

My POTS started around 17-18.

light headed for 10 secs when I first stand(I know can be benign but still put it down)

Heart rate rises when standing more than of a normal person

freezing hands

space out feeling and tired

odd cold quick second tingles on random places on my body - I had these all over my face only which drove me crazy for a few weeks about a year ago, these went now its just the random odd ones.

random muscle twitches now and again for 6 months

legs go purpler colour if I stand still for 10mins

short of breath sometimes

no energy feel like im always fighting to be up

heart rate is sensetive to movements and spikes fast

hate the heat!

chest pain when exercising up right


I had a bike accident when I was 16 slammed my back had collar bone surgey, possible cause?

Chest infection cause?


Auto immune tests?

auto anti body tests?

neuropathy tests?

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It didn't start straight after surgery, I was still at school and moved, although I had ibs starting around then. Maybe I damaged my spine?

So many possibilities!


Another thing, when I am cold and stand up my hr doesn't rise much probs vasocontriction from cold, so maybe midodrine is a thing to bring up.

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Good luck with your visit. Keep us posted.

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