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Ncs Symptoms: Is This Typical Even On Treatment?


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Hi all I'm needing some information here. First off, I have recently diagnosed NCS. I'm on midodrine 2.5 mg 3 times a day.

Ever since I got on the medication, I've been doing really well, pulse and bp under control nicely.

A couple of days ago, I went out with my relatives to a class reunion. I drank some, not crazy amounts but enough. The next day I felt completely exhausted, bp and pulse were not behaving like it has.

Day after that, bp was ok, but pulse was hanging out in the 90s.

Today, I went swimming briefly ( like fifteen minutes) at the pool, just like wading. Then I went to a church function for my uncle, then back home. I have begun feeling really weird, kinda buggy eyed, foggy headed... strung out like I've drank caffeine. My pulse has been shooting up to 120, and that's sitting down, not standing. Not sure what's going on. I've drank tons of fluids to help me fix what the alcohol dehydrated days ago, ate salt, and am on my medication.

Can alcohol affect our systems that long after drinking it? If not, is it typical of NCS patients to feel weird like this even on medication sometimes? And silly as this sounds, would laying down flat resolve these symptoms? I will find out tonight maybe on that one. I find it strange that I'm so groggy and brain fogged when my bp is actually okay ( probably b/c of the jacked up pulse). Just wanted to know what other NCS folks think about this.

p.s., I've already figured out that alcohol is a no go from now on, don't worry I learn my lessons well

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thanks for replying. yeah i will definitely be careful from now on about what or how much i drink. Also i think i might need to go up on the midodrine, but we'll see how i do after a few days, when everything is more calmed down.

On a similar topic, I almost fainted today lol i think b/c I possibly broke my pinky toe. After I hit this lawn chair with my foot and I heard this loud ' snap' sound, i was leaning against the wall and suddenly got super overheated and flushed. Not sure if that was a reaction to the pain, or something going on with the vasovagal stuff, but i went and sat down afterward and didn't have any problems after that

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