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Exercise And Chest Pain


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Does anyone have something that sounds like this? When I walk fast for like 10 mins and start to feel hot, I get a weird chest pain and my face feels really hot and flush, so I stop and sit down and cool off and the pain goes after a few seconds? I have had it for years, since I first got pots. I've had all sorts of heart tests and there all normal, I can only assume I'm getting over heated and then my body dilates the arteries and more blood drops due to gravity and pots and I get less blood to the heart?

When I exercise on the floor with my bike and use a fan I get my heart rate high and don't get any pains or over heated etc..

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I'm thinking inappropriate release of adrenaline. It can also be mast cell related (not sure about the mast cell deal as I haven't really read much about it).

If the blood was pooling like you're saying, I doubt your face would get hot and flushed.

Definitely something worth mentioning to the specialist you're going to see.


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As I said, sounds like adrenaline. I've had many such episodes and I asked my dr about mast cells and he said no. Like you stated, there are many other symptoms that would point to MCAS and I don't have them, sounds like you don't have them either. How are your HR and your BP when this happens Andy?

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HR is around 125-130 and BP 140-150/90-100, however remembering I am exercising so thats quite normal I believe.

I just don't get it, my hearts fine. But adrenalin could make sense as you say.

I notice I dont sweat in a lot of places when I exercise, I only sweat on hands, feet and arm pits. I have noticed if I have headphones on my ears will sweat a little. So this concerns me.

I was exercising on my back the other day and my back was sticky after and I was laid on the floor so can only assume that was sweat.

Arghh so many things with these illnesses its hard to cope!

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Sorry Andy :(

Definitely mention the sweating to this specialist you'll see. He can suggest a QSART which is a test for peripheral neuropathy. That may be a clue to your POTS.

How's the exercising going for you? Have you noticed any improvement in your symptoms since you have started this? Are you doing the Levine protocol, or just following a routine of your own?

Fingers crossed that you'll get some much needed answers soon.

Keep us posted and stay strong!


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