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Low Blood Pressure From Heat

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The past few days we're of average/coldish temperatures and my heart rate was not hardly going up when I stood and blood pressure was good for these few days. I was like wow, back to normal. No symptoms!

Then, today it was HOT. My heart rate was going up by 30 on standing again, blood pressure was around 101/50-110/80 and sometimes slipping into 90's which never happens, or well since i've started testing my bp might always have done.

So, obviously this is why i've never liked heat :D. I'm on no meds at the moment, would Fludocoristone help my BP in these situations?

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I like heat better than cold - don't tolerate extremes of either one - yes, my BP drops dramatically if I become overheated - living in the South with average daily temps of 90+ and very humid - "air you can wear", I don't go outside very much - might be better to explore non-pharmaceutical solutions - like extra hydration (lots of oral fluids) - dressing lightly - keep a fan around at all times - if you can afford it or don't live with an elderly person, turn the air down to a cool temp- most of all, don't go outside except when necessary - it's too hot! (when nighttime temperatures don't go below 81-degrees...it is definitely too hot)

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My son has the same problem. So when temperatures get above 80 degrees, he's is inside an air conditioned house. Thermostat is set at 74 in the summer time. Be sure to keep up salt and fluids. As far a florinif goes, I really don't know what to tell you there. For some people it works great. My son is being weaned off of it and his body does not seem to miss it so far. His blood pressures are staying up.

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