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Does anybody else have vitiligo, where patches of your skin lose their pigment? I'm wondering if this might be associated with POTS too. The Wikipedia article lists multiple causes, some genetic, some autoimmune, and it also says "neural" causes but doesn't explain it. My mom has vitiligo since her 30s but never looked into it because it doesn't bother her,and she doesn't have POTS. I'm around that age group and recently noticed a couple of these decolored patches on my legs, and am wondering if it might all be related.

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I have one patch of what looks like vitiligo on my face. There is no mirror patch on the other side and I don't have it anywhere else. I have been wondering if it is really vitiligo and if it is autoimmune related. But since it never spread, and neither I nor my doctors are really sure, I never pursued it.

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I have one patch of what looks like vitiligo on my face. There is no mirror patch on the other side and I don't have it anywhere else. I have been wondering if it is really vitiligo and if it is autoimmune related. But since it never spread, and neither I nor my doctors are really sure, I never pursued it.

Most all of my spots are mirrored. But, when I first started getting them - it took time for it to go to the other side of my body. I have the spots all over and they are not small spots - but, rather large. I'm so fair skinned that it is barely noticeable ---THANK GOODNESS. Or I'd be really self conscious. I have some lovely streaks of silver showing up now in my hair - since, it can also go to your scalp and the hair there will not have pigment color in it. But, it's a lovely shade. I like it. I even thought about intentionally trying to have some more streaks put in the same color. But, my stylist didn't think she could match it close enough. I guess they have to bleach it out and then put toner on to get the right shade of silver. Oh well, it will do it on it's own. So, will just be happy with the streaks I have.


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